Posts Tagged ‘Women Working From Home’


January 5th, 2012

Why Women Working From Home Need To Consider Doing Video Marketing – Part 1

If you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home running an online marketing business like I am, or you are considering starting your own online business, one of the many cost-effective ways to market your business is by video marketing.

For some, this might seem a daunting process, but there are a variety of ways you can do this if you’re not comfortable standing in front of a camera, so don’t let that put you off. If you want to make money online in a home based business, then I hope that what I have to share with you will be helpful.

Video marketing can be extremely powerful!

Video marketing is extremely popular and it’s a great way to get your messages out to a worldwide audience. People love to watch videos and if you keep them short and to the point, there’s no reason why you can’t be successful. What’s brilliant about video marketing too is that it’s FREE.

Ideally, your videos need to be either entertaining, informative or educational or a combination of all. Something that is attractive to the viewer, providing valuable content that they can use to their benefit. This way, you may stand to gain yourself a following and if you do, they are more likely to watch other videos that you produce in the public domain.

Have you heard of YouTube? (Click here to see mine and get an idea!) They are an absolute giant in the world of social media. They are the second largest search engine behind Google and are in fact, owned by Google. Did you know that YouTube streams over two billion videos each day and that every minute, twenty-four hours of new video footage is uploaded with the average person spending around fifteen minutes a day viewing content? Wouldn’t you agree this is a massive marketing opportunity not to be missed?

Do you know what your niche is?

Before you start to put a video together you need to first understand what your niche is and from there, you need to find the right keywords to use to target that niche. Without the right keywords, nobody is going to be able to find your videos. You need to put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for your business or opportunity and ask yourself what words or phrase will they type into a search engine to search for what you have to offer.

For example, I’m targeting other women working from home like me, so I’ve done my keyword research around this particular niche and have come up with a list of the keywords associated to it.

If you get your keyword research right then you stand the best chance of people finding your videos when they’re searching the Internet.

I can’t over emphasise enough the importance of understanding your niche and finding the right keywords before you start your video marketing. Without this strong foundation, the people you want to attract to your business or opportunity, simply won’t be able to find you.

If like me, you want to be amongst the army of women working from home, I hope you’re ready to find out more about how you can start putting some videos together and my next article will give you some tips on how to do just that.

Did you enjoy this article? Check back soon for part 2!

Want to see what’s hot on the Internet right now? This could make you some instant, hassle-free money, like it’s doing for me – just click here!

November 26th, 2011

Women Working From Home Online Need To Understand The Importance of a Blog

I’m one of the ever growing army of women working from home online and any of you more avid readers may recall me over the past few months, discussing the importance of video marketing, webinars, keyword research and other topics. And what is the best method to disseminate this information I hear you ask? Well, I’d have to say through the use of a blog. Never underestimate the importance of a blog as they have to deliver valuable information that will help others gain a better understanding of what it is you are writing about.

I think of my blog as the main hub of my activity on the Internet. Facebook and Twitter among others are great for spreading ‘bites’ of information, but my blog is where it all happens, it’s the root of my network.

Before we start…

So what is blogging? Good question. Blogging has been around for a while online, and many people treat it as their diary, although without the same privacy one might expect from a closed book. Blogs allow people to express their opinions, their thoughts, interact with others, but increasingly now – to express their ideas, which is why people such as myself have caught on to the idea.

Entrepreneurs across the world use their blogs to promote their businesses, raise awareness, show commitment to their customers and to boost their potential. A blog is a very powerful tool.

Here’s how a blog can make a difference to you, whoever you are.

Improving your brand

Forgive me for continually bringing this up, but the fact that I do shows just what the Internet can do for you. Any presence online, as long as it is clearly interlinked (think colour schemes, writing styles etc) will build your brand and increase how noticeable you are. In an increasingly ‘busy’ online space the more active you are the better.

A chance to write more

Many of the other services in a marketer’s toolbox are about getting messages across as quickly and succinctly as possible, whether you’re using tweets, videos, short posts or more. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it, but blogs give marketers significantly more leeway to really go into a topic, demonstrating their knowledge and to give readers a comprehensive insight into that niche.

Gain authority

Some of the ‘bigger’ bloggers are revered widely for really knowing their stuff, and this is because they are using their blogs to their full effect. We’ve all come across these incredible blog posts which always seem to hit the mark, and this makes us set new trust in the blogger, even if, as in most cases, we’ve never met them. Competition is difficult here, but the more you post and the more impressive that content is (we need quality and quantity) then the more of this authority you will find yourself earning.

Be accessible to all

The beauty of blogs is that no particular credentials are needed to view them. This is all about spreading to the masses, and you don’t get a lot more open than a blog. Almost anyone, anywhere in the world can read blogs without the need to sign up to a service, and even if they want to comment on a post, then increasingly there are linkages with services such as Facebook where crucially, readers already have accounts so they can get involved with what’s being written without the need for a cumbersome sign-up process.

Interacting with your readers

Nothing makes you feel so good inside as a positive comment below your latest blog post from a new reader. It’s incredibly rewarding to hear people benefiting from your hard work, and it’s so easy to actually strike up a conversation or even a debate with people below a post. This is the beauty of the Internet today and in many respects, it’s focused on the user and the ability to get involved and interact with content, so blogs are a perfect way to tap into this.

Search Engines

For all of us working online, much of our time is spent trying to adhere to SEO guidelines – search engine optimisation. Think about it. The more blog posts you have across a broad range of subjects within your niche, the more likely you are to get higher up those hallowed search results pages, or ‘rankings’ as they are called, and therefore the more hits you might get on your site as a result.


Even the least competitive among us are still, in the back of our minds, thinking about how they might just get a few more posts or subscribers than the next person. It’s only natural, and blogging encourages this healthy competition. Competition keeps us on our toes and means that we put more effort into producing quality content, which can surely only be a bonus.

Then how do I do it? It’s not as much of a hardship as you might think. Often, deciding what you want to write about can be the hardest part, but once you’ve settled down in the right mindset, have perhaps done a little research or reading around the topic area, this usually gets you going and before you know it, you’ve written a few paragraphs without too much trouble. Don’t worry too much if you think you have what’s commonly known as writer’s block, it happens to us all. You just need to go away for a while, do something different and start again fresh.

In practical terms, try to get into your own pattern of work. If you’re the kind of person who benefits most from setting aside a certain portion of your day to get the creative juices flowing, then go for that, but if you find you prefer to write on the spur of the moment as ideas come to you, then that’s fine too.

There’s no correct method here, and at the end of the day it’s up to you to think about what will work best for your set of circumstances. A quiet or at least reasonably distraction-free environment will probably help you, so I would suggest putting your mobile phone on silent for a while and turning off all your social media too. In my case, the needs of my family often have to take priority, but once they are sorted and happy, I’m ready to go.

I can’t emphasise enough how great blogging is. Finally, just think about how you are when you’re on the Internet. If you’re anything like me, then you read one article or similar, and then you click on the related links on the side. Before you know it, you’ve been sitting there reading for twenty minutes, and that time had just disappeared in a flash.

People are inquisitive by nature, and with blogs this can only work to your advantage. If like me, you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home these days, hook readers and they’ll be sure to come back for more. Even though blogs are longer than your regular Facebook post, they’re still palatable for short reads, and you can’t ask for more than that really.

If you’ve found my blog post interesting, I’d love you to share it with your friends.  Thanks

November 21st, 2011

Women Working From Home Can Run An Online Business And Look After Their Family And Invalid Parents

There must be millions of women working from home worldwide juggling the demands of a family with the responsibilities and pressures of caring for elderly invalid parents who are no longer able to support themselves through illness.

It is likely too that many of these family groups will be living in the same house reducing any chance of a normal family life for the care givers, with little freedom or choice to come and go or take off for the day spontaneously. In many cases that can’t happen.

Throw all this into the mix and there’s no hiding the fact that it must be a struggle as I know from my own experiences. I don’t deny that it’s a challenging situation to be in but it’s one that I would hope others would find as satisfying as I do.

Helping those people you hold especially dear that have supported you throughout your lifetime and who have never knowingly or deliberately let you down. How could you not do everything in your power to help and provide support thus increasing any chances of quality of life to your loved ones when they need and rely on you most?

It’s heartbreaking to see anyone suffer, let alone a close relative progressively deteriorating through disease to the point where they are no longer able to do anything for themselves, rendering them totally reliant on those that care for them.

How particularly unfair also for the person being cared for who has spent their entire life selflessly serving others, raising their family whilst caring for their invalid parents and running the family business all at the same time, to be then struck so cruelly down upon retirement with a terrible disease that they can never recover from. To my mind, this is a cruel twist of fate and applies to my dear, undeserving mother.

I completely understand the struggle that millions face and would like to encourage those people wondering how they can juggle similar responsibilities, that it is possible to set up and run a business from home. It just boils down to a question of commitment, prioritising and juggling family responsibilities to fit everything in. I’m doing it, others before me have done it and future generations will do it. It’s no big deal.

Until a year ago, I was in a traditional 9 – 5 job working for a boss, dependent on someone else for my paycheck. Then along with a hundred other colleagues, I was made redundant. It was a huge shock at the time but it forced me to look for alternatives and that’s when I found the perfect solution on the Internet.

Because of the opportunity I found, I can make money in my own online home based business because it allows me to be my own boss and work when it suits me. And with the many family priorities I have, it’s happened just at the right time.

Since starting what I consider is a top home based business from home, I’ve had to take stock and prioritise. It’s the only way I can begin to fit everything in. I’m lucky as I have carers that come in for a few hours during the week to help with mum’s care and it’s during these times that I take advantage and shut myself in my office to work. I’ve also got into the habit of working in the evenings once my mum and daughter are in bed. Very often it’s at this time of night that I can be most productive.

The great thing about the Internet is that it operates twenty-four hours each day and it never closes and because I’m working with people from all corners of the world in different time zones, it’s ideal. I can be talking to someone in Australia when it’s their night and my day.

The flexibility of operating a business from home is something I appreciate more than anything. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that if I want to drive my daughter to school I can. If I need to take mum to the doctor I can. Being able to do something you’ve never been able to do is a truly liberating and wonderful feeling.

Believe it or not, it was almost impossible to do these things before. Work almost always got in the way or taking the time off was way too difficult. Asking for time off was a huge barrier to me and any time off work had to come out of my annual leave so was always problematical. So having the freedom and flexibility now is the best thing that could have happened to me, because for the first time in my life, there’s no boss other than myself to ask.

Running an online marketing business from home means so much to me and there’s no way I’d ever consider going back to a traditional 9 – 5 job working for someone else.

Naturally, I’ve had to make some sacrifices along the way in order to find enough time to devote to my business and to focus properly, so watching TV was the first on the list to go.

You’d be surprised how much time is wasted in front of the box. You can get so much more work done when you get out of the habit. I’ve also had to develop other habits to become more productive, one of which is getting up early each morning to get the family sorted before the working day starts.

I find that if I start the day with a half an hour of vigorous exercise, this wakes me right up so I’m super-charged throughout the day and this way, more gets done. This is both easy and pleasant as our family pet dog is a Border Collie called Ben so we head off along the canal banks near my home for a good workout. He’s hard to keep up with.

I’ve surprised myself at how much I can get done now that I’m fully focussed, eliminating time-wasting distractions throughout the day. No longer would I dream of shopping during the daytime or taking time out to have coffee with friends. They all know I’m working and I’m training them all to take my business as seriously as I do.

For me, this is how is has to be right now and my work has to fit around my caring and family priorities. So if you’re a mum and a carer like me, you might want to consider joining the growing army of women working from home and set up your own business. It’s ideal for me and could well be the answer you are looking for too.

You can always check out my ‘Work With Lindsey’ section on my Blog or go to www.CopyTheExperts.Com to find out what my business is if you are interested.  If you  have found value in reading my post, maybe you are in a similar situation, then I’d love it if you pass it on to your friends or family.  Thanks so much.

November 19th, 2011

Women Working From Home Online Need To Understand The Importance of a Blog

I’m one of the ever growing army of women working from home online and any of you more avid readers may recall me over the past few months, discussing the importance of video marketing, webinars, keyword research and other topics. And what is the best method to disseminate this information I hear you ask? Well, I’d have to say through the use of a blog. Never underestimate the importance of a blog as they have to deliver valuable information that will help others gain a better understanding of what it is you are writing about.

I think of my blog as the main hub of my activity on the Internet. Facebook and Twitter among others are great for spreading ‘bites’ of information, but my blog is where it all happens, it’s the root of my network.

Before we start…

So what is blogging? Good question. Blogging has been around for a while online, and many people treat it as their diary, although without the same privacy one might expect from a closed book. Blogs allow people to express their opinions, their thoughts, interact with others, but increasingly now – to express their ideas, which is why people such as myself have caught on to the idea.

Entrepreneurs across the world use their blogs to promote their businesses, raise awareness, show commitment to their customers and to boost their potential. A blog is a very powerful tool.

Here’s how a blog can make a difference to you, whoever you are.

Improving your brand

Forgive me for continually bringing this up, but the fact that I do shows just what the Internet can do for you. Any presence online, as long as it is clearly interlinked (think colour schemes, writing styles etc) will build your brand and increase how noticeable you are. In an increasingly ‘busy’ online space the more active you are the better.

A chance to write more

Many of the other services in a marketer’s toolbox are about getting messages across as quickly and succinctly as possible, whether you’re using tweets, videos, short posts or more. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it, but blogs give marketers significantly more leeway to really go into a topic, demonstrating their knowledge and to give readers a comprehensive insight into that niche.

Gain authority

Some of the ‘bigger’ bloggers are revered widely for really knowing their stuff, and this is because they are using their blogs to their full effect. We’ve all come across these incredible blog posts which always seem to hit the mark, and this makes us set new trust in the blogger, even if, as in most cases, we’ve never met them. Competition is difficult here, but the more you post and the more impressive that content is (we need quality and quantity) then the more of this authority you will find yourself earning.

Be accessible to all

The beauty of blogs is that no particular credentials are needed to view them. This is all about spreading to the masses, and you don’t get a lot more open than a blog. Almost anyone, anywhere in the world can read blogs without the need to sign up to a service, and even if they want to comment on a post, then increasingly there are linkages with services such as Facebook where crucially, readers already have accounts so they can get involved with what’s being written without the need for a cumbersome sign-up process.

Interacting with your readers

Nothing makes you feel so good inside as a positive comment below your latest blog post from a new reader. It’s incredibly rewarding to hear people benefiting from your hard work, and it’s so easy to actually strike up a conversation or even a debate with people below a post. This is the beauty of the Internet today and in many respects, it’s focused on the user and the ability to get involved and interact with content, so blogs are a perfect way to tap into this.

Search Engines

For all of us working online, much of our time is spent trying to adhere to SEO guidelines – search engine optimisation. Think about it. The more blog posts you have across a broad range of subjects within your niche, the more likely you are to get higher up those hallowed search results pages, or ‘rankings’ as they are called, and therefore the more hits you might get on your site as a result.


Even the least competitive among us are still, in the back of our minds, thinking about how they might just get a few more posts or subscribers than the next person. It’s only natural, and blogging encourages this healthy competition. Competition keeps us on our toes and means that we put more effort into producing quality content, which can surely only be a bonus.

Then how do I do it? It’s not as much of a hardship as you might think. Often, deciding what you want to write about can be the hardest part, but once you’ve settled down in the right mindset, have perhaps done a little research or reading around the topic area, this usually gets you going and before you know it, you’ve written a few paragraphs without too much trouble. Don’t worry too much if you think you have what’s commonly known as writer’s block, it happens to us all. You just need to go away for a while, do something different and start again fresh.

In practical terms, try to get into your own pattern of work. If you’re the kind of person who benefits most from setting aside a certain portion of your day to get the creative juices flowing, then go for that, but if you find you prefer to write on the spur of the moment as ideas come to you, then that’s fine too.

There’s no correct method here, and at the end of the day it’s up to you to think about what will work best for your set of circumstances. A quiet or at least reasonably distraction-free environment will probably help you, so I would suggest putting your mobile phone on silent for a while and turning off all your social media too. In my case, the needs of my family often have to take priority, but once they are sorted and happy, I’m ready to go.

I can’t emphasise enough how great blogging is. Finally, just think about how you are when you’re on the Internet. If you’re anything like me, then you read one article or similar, and then you click on the related links on the side. Before you know it, you’ve been sitting there reading for twenty minutes, and that time had just disappeared in a flash.

People are inquisitive by nature, and with blogs this can only work to your advantage. If like me, you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home these days, hook readers and they’ll be sure to come back for more. Even though blogs are longer than your regular Facebook post, they’re still palatable for short reads, and you can’t ask for more than that really.

If you’ve found my post useful, I’d love it if you’d share it with your friends.  Thanks.


November 5th, 2011

Work At Home Mum Lindsey Introduces Her Mum Andy

Lindsey would like to introduce you to her wonderful mum Andy.  Lindsey considers she was very lucky to have been made redundant from her job as it forced  her to look for an alternative way to earn money to help support her family. She’s joined a community of expert Internet marketers and online business professionals and she’s a work at home mum now.  Had she still been working for a boss in a 9 – 5 traditional type of job, she’d have found it almost impossible to meet the needs of her family and keep a boss happy so she realises that being laid off 18 months ago was a HUGE blessing in disguise.

This video was taken up on Grand Western Canal near Andy’s home in Devon. It was a sunny November day and it’s a place that Andy loves to go in her wheelchair.

If  you’re someone looking after their own family as well as an invalid parent, relative or friend, and juggling the demands of a traditional full-time job – then chances are you’re in the same boat that Lindsey was in before she was laid off.  At times, Lindsey felt like she was a hampster on a treadmill going faster and faster.  Getting any time off work was a complete nightmare and Lindsey used to worry about how she could keep everyone happy.  So, being laid off was her lucky break in many ways.  Now she’s got her Internet marketing business and is a work from home mum  and she can be there for her mum and family when they need her.

If you think you might be in a similar situation, why not think of starting your own business so you can work at home too?  If Lindsey can do it, so can you. You can always check out her Work With Lindsey page and see for yourself.


September 10th, 2011

The Importance Of Social Media Marketing In An Online Job

Social media is becoming increasingly more integrated into our lives, and for businesses, it’s an important key element to the marketing mix.   I’m a mum working from home in an online job and as I understand the importance of social media marketing, I’d like to share my experiences for the benefit of other business owners. If you’re wondering how to make money on the Internet, then by embracing social media marketing and including it into your marketing strategy rather than thinking “It’s not for me,” you’ll stand to reap the huge benefits it can bring.

Particularly so as your customers and future customers are using social media and it’s a great way to engage with them.  In addition to maintaining an online presence with your website, you need to be visible with a social presence also.

The worldwide recession is forcing us to add value to our businesses, so if you embrace social media marketing, the benefits will help to keep you trading in the future.

If you’re on a limited marketing budget, social media marketing is the most cost effective way to reach customers with information about your products, product news, sales, deals and more and you’ll find that if you devote an employee’s time, even on a part time basis, to setting up and running your social media marketing, you’ll have the ability to reach millions of potential customers that otherwise may never hear about you.

If you use some of the most popular social media marketing methods including blogging, you’ll have a very powerful outreach program that will raise awareness in your brand which in turn, brings credibility for your company.

Social media marketing will help build customer relations and if your consumers can easily share frustrations with products or customer service directly with you and get feedback, they will feel more confident in your brand and have a better connection to it.

Likewise, if consumers feel you value their feedback and you implement their suggestions,  for example, what to name a product or a perception of a product, they are far more likely to remain loyal to your brand and act as ambassadors on your behalf.

Social media can also generate high traffic to your business and in turn, increase sales which increases your return on investment (ROI).

It’s become an invaluable and necessary set of tools to add to your arsenal in the 21st Century and given the many ways we access the Internet including mobile phones and other devices in addition to computers, social media is set to continue the upward growth trend.

We may as well face it, it’s here to stay and we have to move with the times and best of all, it’s FREE.

Global Internet users top the 2 billion mark of which almost 300 million are in North America, almost 800 million in Asia, 450 million in Europe, 70 million in Africa, 200 million in Latin America & the Caribbean and 20 million in Australia and New Zealand.

Business owners are starting to wake up to the fact that they need to actively engage in social media marketing but many are unsure how to go about it. Maybe I can help from my own experiences here.

There are currently over 30,000 social media sites but this number is increasing by 300 each month and where do you start? Where do you focus your time and energy to get a return on your investment? It can seem like a minefield.

Whatever industry you’re in, you can create useful information in the form of blogs, articles and videos to share that others will find value in and learn from.  You don’t blatantly sell your products or services in social media. Your valuable content that is informative, educational and entertaining, enables consumers to get to know and trust you first. It then leads them from your social media sites to your website and that’s when you do your sales pitch. That’s how social media marketing works.

The three top giants that have become household names that I would recommend are Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Facebook has over 600 million active users and these people are logging in for an average of half an hour each day so you need to get your messages in front of them.  This represents a massive marketing opportunity so you’ll need a Facebook Page.

Twitter has been around for over five years amounting to over 10 billion tweets sent which equates to around 50 million tweets each day and this number is rising rapidly.  It’s the place to find out what’s happening in the world. It provides instant updates on almost any topic.

Another giant is Youtube, the second largest Search Engine to Google and owned by Google, streaming over 2 billion videos each day.  Every minute, twenty-four hours of new video footage is uploaded and the average person spends fifteen minutes a day on Youtube viewing content, representing another massive marketing opportunity.

If you implement some of these strategies into your online job or business, you’ll be heading in the right direction for sure.

August 28th, 2011

Keyword Research – Allowing You To Work From Home in an Online Job

This video is to help anyone that needs to get their Keyword research right before they start any marketing on the Internet. Lindsey Rowe from had struggles with Keyword research when she first started online marketing so she wants to help others understand the concepts that are vital to success.


August 26th, 2011

I Work From Home Now And My Online Job Took Me To A Master Marketing Event

I work from home now and my online job took me to the most amazing event of my life. I’ve joined the ranks of the army of women working from home since I joined CarbonCopyPRO, a world leader in online marketing education, entrepreneurialism and ready built business systems. With my background in sales and marketing, I appreciate the huge benefits of attending a ‘live’, event so when I found out PRO were holding their seventh Master Marketing Event on 21st and 22nd May 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona, I knew in an instant that I just had to make the journey from England and go.

I wasn’t quite sure how I’d do it but I knew it would be worth it even though it meant asking my partner Hugh if he would look after our family in my absence, taking on all my responsibilities on top of his normal workload, including looking after my invalid mum with all her complex needs.  Naturally, I’d wanted him to come but there was no possible chance of that happening. Instead, he stayed behind so I could go and make the most of every second and learn as much as possible to implement into my own Internet business.

Held in the stunning air-conditioned Arizona Grand Resort, amidst a backdrop of tropical plants and beautiful scenery in the 90 degree heat, I was privileged to join more than 600 motivated entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe. I knew we were in for a real eye-opener.

It was to be a golden opportunity to mix with the movers and shakers in CarbonCopyPRO, most of whom are multi-millionaires at the top of their game and on a mission to inspire others to do the same.  Successful in their own right and inspirational to those following on in their footsteps. And to think, we were going to get a whole weekend of masterminding with these experts. What a boost to our businesses this was going to be.

Jay Kubassek, CarbonCopyPRO Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer and John Jackson, VP of Leadership Development, affectionately known by the PRO community as ‘JJ’, took to the stage to start proceedings and began by welcoming everyone to the event and thanked us for our time and commitment in travelling huge distances to attend. My journey from England had been a long one but others had flown in from further afield like Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia and Europe.

Held bi-annually, these events are designed for PRO members to mastermind with the top seven figure earning industry leaders, receive the latest in cutting-edge marketing training, techniques and strategies and find out about the latest innovations.

It was to be at this event that we would witness the unveiling of the brand new PRO Elite program, specifically designed by Jay and the leaders collaborating to offer their additional help and support to PRO’s aspiring entrepreneurs as part of the companies’ mission to create 100 millionaires by 2012.  This new initiative will see leaders giving themselves selflessly to help every member of PRO on their own journey to financial freedom and success. Each PRO member would effectively, get to copy the experts with direct help from the expert leaders. What could be better than that? Helping others is an ethos that’s firmly embedded in the culture of CarbonCopyPRO and it’s a fundamental reason to their success.

Inspirational presentations from many of the industry superstars were given including Jay Kubassek, Alan Moore, JJ – John Jackson, Jeff Lerner, Anthony Busciglio, Frank Scott, Lena Bjorna, Sophia and Aaron Rashkin, Brian Parsley, Justin Woolf, Andrew Cass, Michael Force, Gregg Davidson and Dr Charlie Smithdeal.

During the breaks, we got to mingle, chat and have photos with the leaders. There was very much a community spirit amongst the 600 or so gathering and the top earners were more than happy to share their experiences over coffee and lunch. They seemed just like ordinary people, approachable, friendly and committed to helping the members.   To my astonishment and delight, I got to chat to Jay Kubassek, Michael Force, John Jackson and Lena Bjorna.  Those were special moments for sure.

Recent successful up and coming leaders in the PRO community were recognised for outstanding achievement including the team of six experts I’m working with called iGlobalPros. Earlier in 2011, PRO members Karen Newman from Canada, Aaron Chen from Malaysia, Dominik Mikula from Australia, Simon Guilliard from England, Jenni Ryan from Australia and Kameron George from Canada had partnered together to become a driving force to help other aspiring entrepreneurs and in doing so, had achieved accelerated levels of success and have subsequently been awarded Marketing Partner status in line with the leaders and top earners. They will now be instrumental in helping the new and less experienced PRO members on an accelerated program to success.

Following the event, a select group of around fifty PRO Elite members including myself, were invited to a private VIP reception with the leaders, where we were given champagne, cocktails and delicious food.  This was another great opportunity to share feedback, ask the leaders questions and take more photos. The atmosphere was amazing and it was obvious that everybody was excited to be a part of it. I actually thought to myself, am I dreaming this or is this real?  Rubbing shoulders with the top brass in this amazing company of entrepreneurs was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

The following day, the same group of PRO Elite members and I had the opportunity to have a more private, intimate and intensive four hour mastermind session with the leaders  on their marketing strategies. This gave us a huge insight into the reasons for their success giving us so much to take away and implement immediately in our own businesses.

It was the perfect end to what had been an incredible life changing event. Meeting people that I’d never met before and feeling like we’d been friends for ever and saying our goodbyes and all flying off in different directions was surreal. We none of us wanted it to end.  I know for sure that by making the journey to Phoenix and being there in person was of huge benefit to me. Far more so than by watching a video or listening to recordings.

Those moments when you meet true professionals face to face and learn from them directly makes such a lasting impact on you. Not least in inspiring you to be the best you can be and to aspire to be like them and to be able to pay it forward by making a difference to others, just like they do.  It’s taken me to a whole new level of determination to help others following in my footsteps.

So if you work from home in an online job, going to an event like this will change your life too.  It did for me.

August 26th, 2011

For Businesses – How To Make Money By Using Social Media Marketing

Social media is becoming increasingly more integrated into our lives, and for businesses, it’s an important key element to the marketing mix.   I’m a mum working from home in an online business and as I understand the importance of social media marketing, I’d like to share my experiences for the benefit of other business owners.

Your customers and future customers are using social media and it’s a great way to engage with them.  In addition to maintaining an online presence with your website, you need to be visible with a social presence also.

The worldwide recession is forcing us to add value to our businesses, so if you embrace social media marketing, the benefits will help to keep you trading in the future.

If you’re on a limited marketing budget, social media marketing is the most cost effective way to reach customers with information about your products, product news, sales, deals and more and you’ll find that if you devote an employee’s time, even on a part time basis, to setting up and running your social media marketing, you’ll have the ability to reach millions of potential customers that otherwise may never hear about you.

If you use some of the most popular social media marketing methods including blogging, you’ll have a very powerful outreach program that will raise awareness in your brand which in turn, brings credibility for your company.

Social media marketing will help build customer relations and if your consumers can easily share frustrations with products or customer service directly with you and get feedback, they will feel more confident in your brand and have a better connection to it.

Likewise, if consumers feel you value their feedback and you implement their suggestions,  for example, what to name a product or a perception of a product, they are far more likely to remain loyal to your brand and act as ambassadors on your behalf.

Social media can also generate high traffic to your business and in turn, increase sales which increases your return on investment (ROI).

It’s become an invaluable and necessary set of tools to add to your arsenal in the 21st Century and given the many ways we access the Internet including mobile phones and other devices in addition to computers, social media is set to continue the upward growth trend.

We may as well face it, it’s here to stay and we have to move with the times and best of all, it’s FREE.

Global Internet users top the 2 billion mark of which almost 300 million are in North America, almost 800 million in Asia, 450 million in Europe, 70 million in Africa, 200 million in Latin America & the Caribbean and 20 million in Australia and New Zealand.

Business owners are starting to wake up to the fact that they need to actively engage in social media marketing but many are unsure how to go about it. Maybe I can help from my own experiences here.

There are currently over 30,000 social media sites but this number is increasing by 300 each month and where do you start? Where do you focus your time and energy to get a return on your investment? It can seem like a minefield.

Whatever industry you’re in, you can create useful information in the form of blogs, articles and videos to share that others will find value in and learn from.  You don’t blatantly sell your products or services in social media. Your valuable content that is informative, educational and entertaining, enables consumers to get to know and trust you first. It then leads them from your social media sites to your website and that’s when you do your sales pitch. That’s how social media marketing works.

The three top giants that have become household names that I would recommend are Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Facebook has over 600 million active users and these people are logging in for an average of half an hour each day so you need to get your messages in front of them.  This represents a massive marketing opportunity so you’ll need a Facebook Page.

Twitter has been around for over five years amounting to over 10 billion tweets sent which equates to around 50 million tweets each day and this number is rising rapidly.  It’s the place to find out what’s happening in the world. It provides instant updates on almost any topic.

Another giant is Youtube, the second largest Search Engine to Google and owned by Google, streaming over 2 billion videos each day.  Every minute, twenty-four hours of new video footage is uploaded and the average person spends fifteen minutes a day on Youtube viewing content, representing another massive marketing opportunity.

If you implement some of these strategies into your business, you’ll be heading in the right direction for sure.

August 24th, 2011

5 Tips On How To Work From Home Whilst Combining Family Care Responsibilities

Today, I’m going to share with you my 5 tips on how to work from home whilst combining family care responsibilities. These days I’m a mum working from home but it wasn’t always like that for me.  I used to be one of the millions of people going off to the daily grind of a traditional job working for a boss, dependent on someone else for my monthly pay-check.

I have a family to look after including my husband, my daughter and my elderly invalid mother and between them, they all have complex needs, particularly my mum.  Then there’s our dog, he’s a Border Collie so needs his three mile run each day.

It was a juggling act fitting my family commitments around the demands of a full time job.  At times, I felt like I was a hamster on a treadwheel going faster and faster and the worst part was not being around when my family needed me most. If you’re juggling family responsibilities with a job, then you’ll know what this feels like.

Not being able to do a simple thing like take my daughter to school was a hard pill to swallow. But now that I’m a mum working from home, I have my quality of life back and we all benefit. I can be around when I’m needed and it makes a huge difference.

Since I found the best new online business I’m running from home, if my daughter needs collecting from school, I don’t have those panicky feelings of how I’m going to get the time off work, I can decide for myself.

Whether you work in a traditional job or you work at home, you’re going to have all sorts of challenges to face, so I’ve put together a few tips that should help you keep on top of things.

Prioritise:  Learn to prioritise to make sure all the important things get done.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to make a list. Have lists for daily tasks, shopping, events etc. They really do make a difference and keep you on track. If you write a list, chances are you won’t wake up in the night in a panic.

Motivation:  This is something that only you can do and without it, you won’t get much done. Make sure you do whatever is necessary to put yourself into the right frame of mind. If you know what you want to achieve and you know how to achieve it then add in a reward when reaching certain goals and that should keep you motivated.

Sleep:  Make sure you get the right amount of sleep your body needs.  Avoid coffee or alcohol last thing if possible. Take a bath and find a good book.  With the right amount of sleep you are more productive and will cope better overall.

Exercise:  The best way to start your day is with some exercise. I recommend a brisk walk or jog for thirty minutes and get your heart rate going. You’ll be surprised at how much more productive your day will be.  The first ten days doing this will be hard but once you get into the habit, it will become easy and you’ll want to do it automatically.

Prepare:  Always plan in advance and prepare yourself for the day ahead. If you fail to do this, you’ll end up creating more work in the long run and you’ll be far less productive. Have you ever noticed that some days you seem to get nothing done? That’s usually due to lack of preparation.

I hope you found something helpful here and I invite you to comment below!  I shall look forward to seeing you on the next post.

Lindsey Rowe