July 5th, 2013

A Whole New World! What to Expect Your First Year of Internet Marketing!

A whole new world awaits you if you are planning to jump into digital marketing, but this is your time to test new waters. It’s exciting to start a home based business and it’s fun to learn new things,however, it’s wise for you to have an understanding of what you can expect your first year in business.

You’ll need to have a realistic view of what it takes for you to make it, how much hustling you’ll really need to do, and what you’ll be earning within your first 6 months into your first year of internet marketing. It’s so important that what you expect is real, so that you don’t set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

I am going to share with you what I know, and what I personally experienced so that you can do the same, and you’ll be ready to enter into a whole new world with your new business!

a whole new world

Learn how to make money in a recession

Entering Into a Whole New World with a Home Business

When you choose to start a home business, you’ll find yourself planning for what seems like an eternity, and then you’ll find that there is a season of activity that needs to take place in order to make your dreams come to fruition.

Before you can even plan, an idea is born, and it’s one that grows from your deepest passions in life. This means that for each one of us our business could be something different, whether its:

  1. Skincare and beauty items
  2. Health and wellness
  3. Precious metals and collectibles
  4. Home decor and other categories

The options for home based business are endless, but once you have an idea you need to draw out a small plan for your business to get it started. This means planning for:

  1. Startup costs
  2. Logo
  3. Branding yourself online
  4. Creating an online platform to let people know you exist!

There are so many things to consider, but you cannot get anywhere unless you get started. So, your first year will involve some thought and planning, before you take action. It will take you about 3 months to do this if you are fervent and dedicated to spending time with this each day, and then when you are in month 4, you’ll find that taking action feels good and that you are more than ready.

While you’ll be part of a whole new world, you’ll learn by reading and studying about others that had success before you!

Don’t Freak Out in a Whole New World!

While you may be feeling overwhelmed already, remember, my position is that I am here to help you. Everyone that starts a home business and is new to the idea of being self employed may feel a little nervous at times, but it’s a great feeling to know that you will be working for yourself and doing something you really love.

Although you may have a full-time job now, you’ll need to give yourself some time to create and put this together. Be realistic about the fact that you’ll need to study and research before you ever run an ad of any kind via social media, or before you ever use email marketing. You’ll also want to follow top marketers in the industry, just as I did to learn what pitfalls you could encounter during your first year.

This is how I found Six Figure Mentors.  I didn’t have all of the answers when I started and I still don’t! What I do know is that if you surround yourself with knowledgeable people that have experience, and have had success in the online marketing sphere, you’ll learn quickly.

Do you want to start a new business, but you just aren’t sure where to start? Are you looking for a mentor for your business that can help you get to six figures? If you are ready to delve into a whole new world, and you would like a little helping hand, just go HERE to access the Six Figure Mentor 7 day bootcamp!

July 3rd, 2013

Effective Communication in Business

Effective communication means you are getting through, but if you had a conversation with a prospect that just didn’t seem to take, I totally get it. It seems that with online marketing you try to get your point across via phone or webinar and it still doesn’t sink in!

The good news is that if you are telling them the right things, you are still doing great. They have to choose to listen, so there isn’t much you can do there. However, you should know that communication is still the key to making your business work. This includes how you communicate with everyone from your prospects to teammates, and even retail customers if you have them.

So, how you can communicate effectively, with everyone, all of the time? Is there a way to get through to your prospects, customers, and your teammates without pulling your hair out and working around the clock? Yes, there is!

I am going ot share with you how you can easily communicate with everyone in your niche market, everytime, while working smarter NOT harder!

effective communication

Effective Communication? What’s That?

If you have ever had a discussion, and later it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding, you are NOT alone. This happens so often, and it’s amazing how often this happens when marketers are talking to prospects. Let me tell you a story.

I went to an event that was rather exciting, and it was for a new company that was ablaze with excitement for many reasons. Some of the top marketers in the industry had joined, and it was growing quickly. I was excited too, but along the way, I knew I needed to stay grounded and focus more on leading with value than anything else.

In the background, I could overhear a portion of a conversation that went something like this:

“This system is so easy, you could make money with it in 24 hours. A 12 year old can do this, you’ll make thousands fast.”

Not that I dispel that, or that it isn’t possible, but leading with that information leads people astray. This is NOT an example of effective communication at all. Although it’s a causal conversation, it’s a HUGE miscommunication in recruiting in it’s biggest form.  This conversation conveyed many messages to me including:

  1. Money is more important
  2. Teaching isn’t necessary to recruit
  3. Leading with value isn’t critical
  4. Telling someone something just to get someone in and hope the system sells itself is okay

Wrong on all counts, a total failure. This is why leading with value is so critical because this happens on a daily basis. This is why so many end up chasing friends and family, and ultimately they end up working out of desperation. If we want long term success, don’t you think that we should handle prospecting with care?

Sometimes it’s the message that is true, but the delivery can be quite poor. In this story, it’s very poor. How can you change this conversation into a good example of effective communication to become a positive prospecting experience?

How Effective Communication Can Help You Grow Your Business

While communication skills seem to be a lost art, they are MUCH needed to grow our businesses. In fact, I would say that the ability to communicate effectively is often last on the “to do” list of most marketers. Where does it fall on your list of things that are important?

Whether you are prospecting, training via a webinar, or even at a networking event, how you communicate is so important. Your body language can speak just as loud as your words, and it’s important that you work at this through your lifelong career and personally for the sake of your relationships with friends and family.

I hope that you found this article helpful, and that you are able to make great strides with both friends and family and in your business. If you would like to learn more about the effective communication skills of the six figure mentors I work with, just go HERE right now to get access to your FREE 7 day BOOTCAMP!

July 2nd, 2013

Listening Skills Are a Lost Art

Listening skills seem to be scarce these days, but it’s the people that have them that are quite successful in their business. If you are lacking success in your business, would you consider that maybe listening better could be a contributing factor to it? What if I told you that better communication all around would fix the lack that you are experiencing in your business?

There is no doubt that that listening seems to be a lost art, and its this skill that changes the way people look at you and respect you.  Whether or not you make yourself available to others is a big deal, and having said that, would you say that you are closer to being a better listener for your customer? While you may not have given strong consideration to the ability to listen, it’s important!

You certainly won’t attract many folks if you don’t listen to them, and you certainly won’t get much respect either. So, how can your listening skills serve you well in life and in business?

listening skills

Why You Need Listening Skills

If you are in denial as to WHY you need good listening skills, then you need some work. I am sure that you don’t like it when people don’t listen to you, am I right?

This is a HUGE problem, and if you just started your business you need to listen! Listen every chance you get to everyone about everything. Sure, not everything will be something you agree with, but you need to listen and learn as much as you can.

I also don’t expect you to believe everything you hear, and I don’t expect you to listen intently to everyone either. Not everyone is an expert in online marketing. However, you do need to take away as much knowledge as you can, and once you do, it’s a matter of testing it. Listening to those that have had success in whatever it is that you are trying to do is good advice, and then it’s up to you to take action.

Remember, listening is different from hearing in that you are actually getting what the other person is saying to you. That could be good and it could be bad! It’s your choice!

The best thing you can do is filter what you are listening to, in life and in business. Remember, everything you do is up to you and yes, that does include listening!

Listening Skills is the Grandest Form of Communication!

What would you say if I told you that listening was the best form of communication known to man?

We actually do spend a lot of our time listening, but do we actually retain anything? Hmm, that is the tough question most people are afraid to answer.  We spend a lot of time reading, writing, and watching videos too, but listening is where it’s at. Listening to others is what gets us to the next spot, the next level in life or business, and it’s what we retain that is important.

When someone is speaking to you to tell you something, OR they are asking you a question, spacing out on them will ruin your chances of relationship building, and it could ruin your chances of making a deal with them. No matter what your business is about or how successful you are, you cannot afford to NOT listen to others. Remember, you cannot afford for them to NOT listen to you either, so be professional and listen respectfully to them if you want the same in return.

You’ll find that whether in person or over the phone your prospects will be forever grateful for that fact that you listened to them, and they are more likely to recommend you to others, and be the word of mouth in social media that you really desire.

If you would like to learn more about WHY those listening skills are so important, and how you can use them to your advantage, go HERE to learn more!

July 1st, 2013

At Home Jobs and Managing Your Time

At home jobs is the focus here on my website, and if you’ve been following  me for any length of time, you know that my family is extremely important to me. It’s a known fact that working from home provides more freedom to do what you need to and want to, however it’s important thaat early in life you learn the value of managing your time.

Time is precious, and therefore it’s only those things that are profitable that you should be focusing your time on. This means that you need to focus on family first then work. This doesn’t mean that you don’t work at all, but what it does mean is that you manage your time more effectively. How do you do this? You can make a schedule and keep to it, or you can do something even better.

Why not keep office hours and create a schedule that defines how you’ll spend your time every single day for the year? I am going to give you some tips here to teach you more about how at home jobs can be started and easily maintained, even if you are working from your home office.

at home jobs

Avoiding Needless Time Stealers with At Home Jobs

While at home jobs are a tremendous blessing, they can appear to be time stealers for you. Your work isn’t really stealing your time unless of course you become unorganized!

This means it’s so important that you spend your time doing those things you love and working when it’s time to work. My best solution is to keep office hours. Go so far as to put up a sign with office hours, include them in your email and post them for telephone calls as well. I’ve also learned some great ways to manage my time concerning phone calls and emails as well.

You can create an away message for your email that would designate when you’ll return emails and phone calls just to be on the safe side. So, would need to:

  • Let customers know what time you’ll be checking email
  • What time you’ll be checking voicemail
  • Specify times for updates on various projects

Not everyone can manage time well without creating a schedule, therefore it’s important that you do this! Here is an example of an away message that would work for you:

Dear friends and clients,

“To serve you best please note the following. I’ll be checking emails between the hours of 1pm and 2pm, and I’ll be checking voicemail during this time as well. I’ll return calls between the hours of 2pm and 3pm, and any emails or phone calls after this time, will be returned the following morning. Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

It’s so easy to do, and you’ll find that people straighten up and respect your time a lot better!

At Home Jobs Mean Scheduling Family Time Too!

Naturally, it’s appealing to work from home, and of course friends and family always want to know when you’ll be free because they aren’t sure how you spend your time. This is why it’s important to schedule time for your friends and family. This means that you need to make sure that yes, breakfast with your spouse and children has been scheduled.

If you are having that struggle with your spouse about spending time with you, then schedule a lunch with them outside of home so that you can access them and get their full attention. This means your phones are off, and you won’t be responding to emails or phone calls during this time.

If you have small children at home, you may want to schedule a sitter to be there while you are there, so that you can spend at least an hour or two with them while you are working, and then make sure you get a break with them. This has it’s own natural role of you training your children to accept when you are free, and they’ll understand over time that it’s your time to go to work.

At home jobs can be a blessing, but you have to know how to manage your time. If you would like to learn more about “at home jobs” and making them work for you, just go HERE to access your FREE 7 day bootcamp!

June 27th, 2013

Home Business Ideas for the New Internet Marketing User

Home business ideas are plentiful, but they don’t all work on the same level. Some business ideas are good, some are great, and then some are just freaking awesome. However, whether or not you fit on the scale of awesome is up to you. What determines if one business is better than another?

In my professional opinion what makes a business idea a good idea is whether or not it’s something you can easily market to a large audience. This means that you have found a problem that people have, and you can solve that problem.

Today, I want to list some home business ideas that are just okay and some that are great, and why they rate the way they do. If you really want to learn the secret to finding long lasting happiness with a home business and marketing that business from the comfort of your own home, then CONTINUE READING this article all the way through!

home business ideas

Home Business Ideas for the Stay at Home Mom and Dad!

If you are a stay at home mom or dad I salute you!

It’s noble of you to put your children first, and you should! As a friend of mine says in the U.S. “home is where the heart is”. You may desire at this very moment to be a stay-at-home-mom, but you want to find a way to generate income while you are at home. Your time is limited so you have to make the most of it, absolutely!

I know that feeling all too well, and I know what it’s like to NOT know where to start or how. There are many jobs that anyone can do and often seem like the quick way to make fast money including:

  1. Dog walking or dog sitting
  2. Cat sitting
  3. Dealing with antiques
  4. Babysitting
  5. Opening up your home as a bed and breakfast
  6. Biscuit making/confectionary

There are options, but with these options come the needed skills for each of them. This list will appear at first to be a quick way to make money but these home business ideas won’t work for a majority of people. The easiest jobs listed here are the dog walking and pet sitting, but not everyone likes animals. Many individuals may also have allergies to pet hair, which can be a detriment for someone that really desires to make money quickly.

Dealing with antiques sounds like fine if you are into collectibles and antiques of nearly any kind, however if you plan to start a business with this it takes a lot of capital to invest and get your hands on the items that turn the greatest amount of profit.

Baby sitting can be a great thing if you are a stay-at-home-mom, and if you are able to take on more children. The beauty in this is that you can specify the ages that you want to keep, and you can also specify the pick up times for the parents according to your schedule. If you charge more you can take on fewer children, but are you equipped to do this? Is your home spacious enough for more children, and can you devote the energy to at least one more child?

While a bed and breakfast sounds fun, you’ll need the property for it, and the cooking skills unless you intend to hire on a chef. A bed and breakfast is something I love to visit, but not something I want to do full-time in my own home! The same goes for baking biscuits or opening up a shop for making confectionary items. It takes money to prepare with the right equipment, and of course the love of baking.

So, with so many question marks for these ideas, how can you find something easier that almost anyone can do? Let’s take a look!

Home Business Ideas that Make Sense!

While not ALL home business ideas really work for everyone, imagine that one ideal situation in which you could use your computer to work from the comfort of your own home. Affiliate marketing is perhaps the best and easiest way to start a business at home, and generally it’s free to start!

Sure, there are programs where you can make a minimal investment, but it’s best if you can start with as little as possible. Once you build your business you’ll be able to re-invest money into paid marketing strategies for your business.

You can easily sign up to promote sites like:

  • Amazon
  • Target
  • Essex Soap Box
  • Future Cigarettes and may more

These are companies in the UK, and of course Amazon is big everywhere, and Target is a massive retailer in the States. While many home business ideas are idea for just a few people, affiliate marketing is ideal for anyone, and you don’t have to be a techie!

If you use the simple principles I talk about on my site here with social media and various marketing methods, you’ll be able to generate tons of traffic easily and quickly! If you are ready to grow your affiliate business and master some new “home business ideas”, go HERE now to access this FREE 7 day bootcamp from the Six Figure Mentors, and you’ll learn how to generate thousands starting today!

June 26th, 2013

How to Earn Money with Social Media Marketing

Would you like to learn how to earn money with the power of social media marketing? Chances are, you came across this article as you were searching for more information on how to market outside of your website, print media, or even radio. While it’s now easier than ever to market on a budget, you may not be aware of just how much traffic you can generate through social media sites.

Do you have a strategy for your marketing campaign? Perhaps you just tried a few things here and there, but you just weren’t sure if it was right for you? I am about to change how you look at social media, and how you can use it to:

  1. Generate more leads for your business
  2. Drive more traffic to your website
  3. Get more money in your pocket!

Are you ready to transform your business for good? If you are ready and willing to spend somem time learning how to earn money easily and without spending thousands of your hard earned dollars, then read this article all the way through, and at the end I’ll share with you some important information to help you build your business quickly!

how to earn money

Learn How to Earn Money with Facebook

If you want to learn how to earn money with Facebook, then welcome! Facebook is by far the most talked about social media site, but Pinterest is no doubt on it’s heels.

It’s one thing to believe that all the traffic goes to one place, but to understand that Facebook is the place for cost-per-click marketing is another. It’s easy to use, and it’s easy to hyper target those in your niche market. Need I say more? The fact that so many marketers are now leveraging Facebook for their marketing is testament to the fact that yes, it does work!

There are some marketing greats that have proven how well it works including:

  1. Michelle Pescosolido
  2. Ray Higdon
  3. Onyx Coale and many others

Not only do they run ads, but they share valuable content with social media which is where people spend at least 20 minutes per day focused on nothing more than social media and catching up with friends and watching ads scroll through. What if one person saw your ad and bought a product you promote or better yet, they signed up for your home based business?

What if someone liks your page, buys your product, and a friend of theirs sees it? What if they share your information? This is the power of social media as well. Can you say, SUCCESS?

How to Earn Money with Twitter

It seems that Twitter has always been the most misunderstood social media site, and for good reason. It’s just different, and it’s nothing like Facebook. In fact, Twitter is what is known as a microblog site, which means you gotta keep it short, sweet, and to the point. That’s it.

You only get so many characters of text to type in, so when you use Twitter, you have to make it short and to the point. This means it’s easy to share valuable content through links to articles, videos, and of course images. People love to be entertained, and by tweeting to content you’ve produced, you can really begin to influence people with a solid foundation by bringing value to the table.

So, how to earn money from Twitter? Leave your trail, and those in your niche market are sure to follow. As long as you provide valuable content, you’ll get traffic which results in sales every time. You can also tweet with links direct to your product, and you’ll start earning more than you imagined. As long as you are consistent and you grow your fan base, you’ll be earning money to make it worth your while.

Are you still uncertain as to where to start? NO worries, just simply go HERE today to learn how to earn money using these tools I’ve mentioned today, and get access to this FREE 7 day bootcamp to help you jumpstart your home based business!

June 25th, 2013

Quotes About Happiness-Being Happy in Life, Work, and Love

Quotes about happiness are always nice to read, but I love sharing specific quotes that are really inspiring and lift my soul. I love to life the soul of others! I also truly believe that part of my work should be encouraging and inspiring others. So, what can I share with you today that will make you smile? What can I tell you that will change your life?

I would love to share some of these amazing quotes about happiness that are just lovely, and I hope that you’ll share these with others you love as well. Remember, if you spend most of your day at work, then you may as well learn to get along with your co-workers, right? So, if a co-worker or teammate is having a bd day, share these quotes with them and help them to smile a bit more!

quotes about happiness

My Mum on her 86th birthday in 2012

Quotes About Happiness and Family and Love

If you have been following my blog for some time, you’ll notice that family is my top priority. They make my heart sing! My mum, who I loved more than life itself, left this Earth around Christmas time. While it broke my heart, I have very happy memories of my mum, and so I value family and the happiness they bring.

This is why, I love to share quotes about happiness as it pertains to family life, and what family means.

Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. –David Ogden Stiers

I’ll never stop dreaming that one day we can be a real family, together, all of us laughing and talking, loving and understanding, not looking at the past but only to the future. – LaToya Jackson

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. -Dr. Seuss

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -Robert Heinlen

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. -Mahatma Ghandi

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. –Albert Camus

More Quotes About Happiness in Work

Happiness in your work? Yes, you deserve it and you should have it! Here are some great quotes about happiness as it pertains to work.

I put all my genius into my life and all my talen into my works. -Oscar Wilde

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. – J.R.R. Tolkein

I’ve got nothing to do today but smile. -Paul Simon

Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.-Elizabeth Gilbert

I hope that you enjoyed these quotes, and that they brought you just a bit of happiness while you read them. To learn how you can earn income by sharing quotes about happiness like these, just go HERE to learn more NOW!

June 24th, 2013

Article Marketing Strategy-Generating Leads with Valuable Content!

An article marketing strategy is probably not what you had in mind when you started your home business, but I can assure you that it’s growing in popularity. It means less overhead for your business if you use it, but most of all it’s something ongoing that could help you make commissions for years.

See, the magic in blogging is that you can blog once and it’s up forever. Don’t you think it’s time you at least considered something much easier, and less costly for your business? There is no need for you to spend money when first starting your business, and after all,  if you are marketing on a budget you want to share with other new business builders that have discovered the same to be true.

So, what does it take to utilize your very own article marketing strategy? It doesn’t take much, in fact, I am going to share with you the basics, and how you can get your business up and running on the fast track for success!

article marketing strategy

Start Your Article Marketing Strategy

Starting a new marketing campaign with an article marketing strategy can be exciting, but you’ll need a WordPress blog to do so. If you have your website set up, this is a great way to direct traffic to your website.

All you need is a list of topics that you wish to start with including:

  1. Starting your home business
  2. Marketing on a budget
  3. Learning how to market in the digital world
  4. Marketing with social media 
  5. Marketing with SEO and articles

Just as I am providing you with information here, you can do the same for other people as well! It’s pretty simple when you just sit down with a list of topics as you would any other day. Consider all of the questions you had when you first started your home business, and answer them. It’s that simple.

These are the basics on articl emarketing, but what do you do once the articles are written on your WordPress blog?

Article Marketing Strategy Means Social Sharing!

Once you write your articles in your blog, it’s a great idea if you share them with social media. This means that you need to make social media a part of your article marketing strategy. This means that you need to share them at least on these sites:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • WP Reader (just leave links)

These are so simple, and there are still more sites to use. Remember, fresh content is always best so be sure that you are maximizing your opportunity where this strategy is concerned. A strong marketing strategy can lead to generating plenty of leads in a short period of time, and it translates into more money for you and your business needs.

Are you ready to start your new strategy? Are you ready to learn more to go beyond the confines of this article to grow your business?

If you would like to learn more about how you can build a successful article marketing strategy, then go HERE now to check out this FREE 7 day BOOTCAMP now!


June 21st, 2013

How to Get More Twitter Followers

How to get more Twitter followers? It’s not hard, in fact it’s pretty simple! These days, blogging, microblogging, autoblogging, and social media are all you hear about if you are focused on marketing. The question is, are you effective? Hmmm, that is the REAL question!

It would seem that there is nothing but confusion when it comes to marketing on social media, but all things being equal, Twitter is often misunderstood. It is SUPER effective, IF and only IF you know how to use it. So, what can you do to really heat up the Twitter folk? What can you do to get people reading your blogs, check out your books, and regard you as important when it comes to that little blue bird that everyones sees online?

I wanted to share with you how to get more Twitter followers, so you can share with the world WHY you do what you do, and the benefits of working with you and buying from you. In a word, it’s Twitterific!

how to get more twitter followers

How to Get More Twitter Followers With Your Mug Shot!

While you may not be fond of your photos, think about how people really want to connect with other people. They feel more comfortable connecting with someone they can see, and someone they can talk to. That isn’t yesterday’s news either!

In fact, I am more inclined to follow someone I can see, because I feel they have nothing to hide if they are willing to show their face. Isn’t this what photos are for? If you click on that button to the right there, you’ll go straight to my Twitter account. I have nothing to hide!

One of the ways I wanted to be different when teaching others how to build a business was to be REAL to them, and accessible. So, one of the very first ways I teach when talking about how to get more Twitter followers, is to:

1. Show your photo! Smile, it won’t hurt you or the millions of people you could stand to attract into your business!

2. Write something that is worth reading, about YOU! People want to know who they are dealing with, AND they want to follow people that are interesting. Share something with your audience that most folks don’t know about you, or better yet, share something funny that happened to you in just a few words. 🙂

3.  Yes, you still need an “About” page! Although you need to write your bio, don’t skip this part! You need to write something more about who you are. Don’t be shy, you want to get to know people and you want them to want to get to know you. This could be more relevant to your business.

4. Create an attractive profile. Okay, so there are tons of colors to choose from get to it! Make it attractive to look at, and keep it consistent with your logo if you have one. Remember, keeping your marketing the same looks better.

5. Always, always, always, SHARE valuable content. If you intend to get people to follow you be interesting. Teach them something they don’t already know. Sharing valuable content will get you more followers faster. I promise! This can be articles, videos, and yes, photos!

I hope that this article on how to get more Twitter followers has been helpful for you today. If it has been, please SHARE this on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and even Pinterest! I will be creating more valuable content for you right here, every day, and I would love to connect with you when you are ready.

If you would love to learn more tips on “how to get more Twitter followers”, and how to build an online business, you can access a FREE 7 day BOOTCAMP HERE!

June 20th, 2013

Social Media Strategy-What You Need for Success!

Social media strategy? Who needs it? You do!

Even if you are new to the industry, you should already be able to see the power of social media. While it’s so easy to get started, it’s also easy to get caught up in the excitement of doing something before you are really ready to launch. This simply means that you need to think about social media, how it’s being used, and how you can come up with a strategy of your very own to put to good use.

What does it take to make social media work? What do you need to have in place in order for your business to achieve the ultimate in success? I am going to share with you how you too can develop a full social media strategy for your home based business, and how you can start generating interest little by little to build your business with ease, and have fun while you are doing so!

social media strategy

Brainstorming for Your Social Media Strategy

So, you started your home business, and you formatted your website before you did anything else. Now what? Ah, it’s social media. I bet your surprised, right?

You probably aren’t, especially if you were to account for the time you spend online with Facebook just looking at everyone’s pictures of family and so forth. This is why building a social media strategy is so important; it’s what bridges the gap between you and the customers, through engagement, and not to mention the fact that you just need to have a presence online.

There is no way that any business can survive without social media, and having said that, there is no time like the present for you to make the move to:

  1. Learn as much as you can about social media
  2. Learn as much as you can about Facebook and how it works
  3. Learn as much as you can about Twitter and how it works
  4. Learn as much as you can about Instagram and how it works
  5. Learn as much as you can about Pinterest and how it works

Learn as much as you can about other social networking sites to see if they fit in. All in all, the thing is, not many people fully understand that social media is the glue that holds everything together. So, what do you need to ask to start putting together the actual strategy?

You’ll need to identify:

  1. Who your audience is
  2. What are they interested in
  3. What can you do connect with them
  4. How will you market to them consistently?

These are all great questions worth asking when building your business, and this is how you’ll put together a strategy that you can start out with, and one that will change slowly over time.

What to Remember About Your Social Media Strategy

Remember as you build this strategy that things will change as you do, so don’t sweat the small stuff!  Not everyone has such a strong need for social media. For example, business to business is a tough one because most businesses are just looking for the best way to cut costs. If you have a unique proposition for your business, then it’s really important for you to use social media to reach your audience.

If you are targeting a  specific audience, or you are targeting a specific set of skills, then Facebook gives you the advantage from the perspective of pay per click. Don’t you think it’s time you took some workshops on social media?

If you are searching for some help with your social media strategy for your home business, then go HERE now to access this FREE 7 day BOOTCAMP, now!