Posts Tagged ‘working at home mums’


April 10th, 2013

Work at Home Mum-Working on My Terms in My Time!

Are you a work at home mum? If not, would you like to become one? These days, things are tough in the common workplace which means the only way out is to do something for yourself. What is that something? It’s creating your own work at home venture.

This is about doing something you love, without giving up time for the ones you love. Wouldn’t you say that 9 out of 10 mums would work at home if they could? What would you do? Are you completely satisfied with your workspace and the life you have created? If not, I bet you found this article as a result of your online search for more information!

If you want to be a work at home mum, then I want to give you a step by step roadmap that you can use to break out of the mold of working for someone else, so that you can work for yourself and create the life you fully desire to live!

work at home mum

Living in Australia was fun!

Why It’s Amazing to Be a Work at Home Mum!

Being a work at home mum is truly a joy for me.

The reason being is that I can easily work from anywhere. I can travel with my daughter, and when my mum was alive I used to travel with her as well. It’s no surprise then that I have had such a freeing experience working for myself.

I never wanted to be very far from my kids, and therefore I decided to just make it happen!

So, how did I start? I made the DECISION.

I did research online, and discovered that what I was looking for was all online.I found out that all I needed was:

  • To find out if what I had a passion for would earn me some income
  • Put up a basic website to start
  • Start a blog to share information and drive traffic to my website
  • Use social media to share information about what I was learning, and teaching others how to do the same!

I also knew that other women wanted the same thing, and that was to live out their dreams to work at home, so that they could spend more time with their children and spouse, and live life on their terms. Doesn’t FREEDOM sound good to you?

Once I found the information I needed, it was time for me to implement what I learned and make it happen!

Becoming the Work at Home Mum I Wanted to Be!

So, once I learned what I needed to know to become a work at home mum, what was the next step?  It was creating a marketing strategy for my business. Not all marketers are going to use the same strategy, and REMEMBER, this is about reaching your niche market. I want to reach those of you ladies just like me that want to stay at home and raise their children and take care of their home.

Before you can even write that strategy, you absolutely MUST:

Set goals. If you don’t set goals, you will have no roadmap. Set short term goals, and then set goals for what you want to do in the long term too. Be clear, be definitive, and be honest with yourself. Set daily goals as well, sort of like and action plan!

Get up before the kids do! If you can manage, get up before the kids and spouse do. You want to get a head start so that you can get some stuff done before everyone needs your time and attention. It’s tough being a mum, but it’s the best job in the world! However, what business time you can get, take it! Your time is so precious!

Block out time for business and time for family only. Just so you know, because time is tight, it’s best for you to block out time for family and work. Set work hours, and abide by them Let your family know what they are, and by all means, get the support you need from your spouse to help you get through.

I hope these few tips help you. If you would like to chat, I would love it! I am all about helping out anyone that would love to be a work at home mum!