Posts Tagged ‘Online Marketing Business’


January 6th, 2012

Why Women Working From Home Need To Consider Using Video Marketing – Part 2

How To Start Video Marketing For Women Working From Home

If you’re thinking of joining the ever-growing ranks of women working from home running an online marketing business and you’ve read my previous article about video marketing and are ready to get started, I’ve got some advice that I hope will help you on your journey.

Through a process of trial, error and frustration, I worked out a fairly streamlined process that I hope, will make your life a whole lot easier.

If you’re feeling daunted by it, don’t be – there’s no need. If right now you’re thinking you won’t be able to stand in front of a camera and talk for two or three minutes, don’t let that put you off. The benefits are huge if you can master the art of video marketing.

The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel

It’s OK if you don’t feel confident at the outset. That’s how it is for the majority starting out and that’s quite normal. The only way this is going to get easier is to just jump in and get going even if you make mistakes and forget what you need to say.

So assuming that you’ve already done your keyword research around the niche that you want to target, then let’s get started.

Have you chosen a location to shoot your video? Do you have a tidy and light office away from noise or do you prefer an outdoors location? Either are fine but both have to show you in a professional way. You need to make sure you are neat and tidy too. If outdoors, you need to avoid a windy area and free from distractions for your viewers. They need to focus on you and not on the people playing games in the background.

Do you have a video camera and a kind and patient camera operator? You could use a tripod instead but it takes quite a while to set up. Better still and much quicker, do you have a smart phone with a video camera? They’re great and really easy to use and you just download your video onto your computer, edit if necessary and send to YouTube. Alternatively, you can record straight from your laptop and that’s fine too.

My preferred method is to get someone to video me using my iPhone, then I download it onto my Apple Mac. If no editing is needed, I just upload it to YouTube. Job done. Simple.

If you really can’t face the camera, then you can always do a slide-show with recorded voice over. You can use power-point on a PC or keynote on an Apple Mac and these work great too. An example of this can be found here

Punchy, interesting videos attract viewers – make the most of it!

Remember, video marketing is very popular and it’s a great way to get your messages out to your target market. Don’t forget your videos need to be entertaining, informative or educational or a combination of all. They must be attractive to the viewer and provide valuable content.

I aim to shoot around three minutes of video footage in total, preferably less, and if possible, without using any kind of cue prompter. A good method I recommend is to write an article on a topic you’ve researched or learnt for article marketing or for your blog, then read it a few times and do a video about it while it’s still fresh in your mind. This way you won’t need to read off a cue prompter or a sheet of paper and it’ll be much more conversational.

Listening to someone speak naturally even if they make a few mistakes is much more appealing that watching someone who is obviously reading. If you allow yourself to relax, you’ll find your words flow much easier.

Another tactic I use is to have a few large bullet points on paper beside the camera to jog my memory as I go. This keeps the flow natural.

Don’t forget you need to say your keyword in your video and you’ll need to put your keyword in the title too. You will also need to put your keyword and other related keywords into the ‘tags’ section and make sure you include a link to your social media or website in the ‘description’ box along with details of your video. I put the link at the top of the box.

If like me, you want to be successful amongst the army of women working from home, and if you implement some of these strategies, they should get you off to a good start. I wish you good luck. Do let me know how you get on. I’d love to hear from you.

January 5th, 2012

Why Women Working From Home Need To Consider Doing Video Marketing – Part 1

If you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home running an online marketing business like I am, or you are considering starting your own online business, one of the many cost-effective ways to market your business is by video marketing.

For some, this might seem a daunting process, but there are a variety of ways you can do this if you’re not comfortable standing in front of a camera, so don’t let that put you off. If you want to make money online in a home based business, then I hope that what I have to share with you will be helpful.

Video marketing can be extremely powerful!

Video marketing is extremely popular and it’s a great way to get your messages out to a worldwide audience. People love to watch videos and if you keep them short and to the point, there’s no reason why you can’t be successful. What’s brilliant about video marketing too is that it’s FREE.

Ideally, your videos need to be either entertaining, informative or educational or a combination of all. Something that is attractive to the viewer, providing valuable content that they can use to their benefit. This way, you may stand to gain yourself a following and if you do, they are more likely to watch other videos that you produce in the public domain.

Have you heard of YouTube? (Click here to see mine and get an idea!) They are an absolute giant in the world of social media. They are the second largest search engine behind Google and are in fact, owned by Google. Did you know that YouTube streams over two billion videos each day and that every minute, twenty-four hours of new video footage is uploaded with the average person spending around fifteen minutes a day viewing content? Wouldn’t you agree this is a massive marketing opportunity not to be missed?

Do you know what your niche is?

Before you start to put a video together you need to first understand what your niche is and from there, you need to find the right keywords to use to target that niche. Without the right keywords, nobody is going to be able to find your videos. You need to put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for your business or opportunity and ask yourself what words or phrase will they type into a search engine to search for what you have to offer.

For example, I’m targeting other women working from home like me, so I’ve done my keyword research around this particular niche and have come up with a list of the keywords associated to it.

If you get your keyword research right then you stand the best chance of people finding your videos when they’re searching the Internet.

I can’t over emphasise enough the importance of understanding your niche and finding the right keywords before you start your video marketing. Without this strong foundation, the people you want to attract to your business or opportunity, simply won’t be able to find you.

If like me, you want to be amongst the army of women working from home, I hope you’re ready to find out more about how you can start putting some videos together and my next article will give you some tips on how to do just that.

Did you enjoy this article? Check back soon for part 2!

Want to see what’s hot on the Internet right now? This could make you some instant, hassle-free money, like it’s doing for me – just click here!

November 17th, 2011

Family Work Balance Is Great In An Online Job

If you’re juggling the demands of a family and full-time job then you’ll appreciate how difficult it can be at times. Add into the mix an elderly invalid relative that you care for too and this turns the volume up on the pressure for sure.  That’s been me for the last few years and I’ve found the perfect solution. I work from home now.  No more boss to answer to. I call the shots and it’s really liberating. In fact, I took a day off during the week recently and spent some time in Exeter with my family.  You might like to watch my video and take a look at Exeter Cathedral. I’ll also tell you what I’m doing these days.

If you like my post, I’d love you to pass it on and share with your friends too.

November 7th, 2011

The Importance Of Attending A ‘Live The Dream Event’

That’s a good question and if you were lucky enough to go to Orlando in Florida to attend My Lead System PRO’s ‘Live The Dream Event’, in October 2011, then you should appreciate the importance of attending this type of event from your own personal experiences. It will have made a lasting impression on you for sure.

 Nothing beats attending an event LIVE, connecting with and rubbing shoulders with the movers and shakers. Watching it on a video or listening to a CD doesn’t have the same effect. Nothing like it. It’s the best thing for your belief and confidence in the organisation you are with. Once you get to meet and mastermind with the top earners in the industry of Internet or Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing, you know without a doubt, these are real experts to work with. Meeting these industry experts in the flesh is an awe inspiring experience and can really help to catapult your own business to success.

You will develop trust in your colleagues and feel excited and motivated to be working with them. Many people claim to feel ‘pumped up’ when leaving events and this is something that sky-rockets your motivation levels and focus. You learn so much more from being at an event LIVE and what you do learn will have a measurable impact when applied to your business.

Partnerships are formed when meeting people and networking with them at events in ways that can’t be achieved by email or phone. It’s human nature, once you’ve established a relationship with someone, they are far more likely to want to help you. And they will.

Online marketing business owner Lindsey Rowe of www.CopyTheExperts.Com knows what it takes to become an entrepreneur and is a great believer in attending live events, the last one being the PRO Elite Master Marketing Event in Phoenix, Arizona in May 2011. She claims it changed her life.

Commented Rowe, “I got to meet most of the top earning experts in the organisation including Jay Kubassek, the CEO and founder of PRO Elite and what a blast that was. Other Gurus in the industry were there including Mark Hoverson, Jonathan Budd, Mike Dillard, Michael Force, Aaron and Sophia Rashkin, Greg Davidson, Lena Bjorna and many more.

I even saw the world famous author and expert on wealth creation, New York Times bestseller for his Automatic Millionare series of books, David Bach.”

What I learnt from those leaders during our mastermind sessions has made a huge difference to my business and my team are benefiting from this knowledge and expertise. For anyone lucky enough to have attended the ‘Live The Dream Event’ in Florida, the same would surely apply.