Posts Tagged ‘Online Marketing Business’


October 16th, 2012

Online Business from Home Expert Lindsey Rowe Teaches You!

Online business from home has been skyrocketing as I have mentioned on several accounts, but I thought it was worth mentioning again.

The reason?

I believe in it so much because it changes your life. I know it changed mine, and it can do the same for you too. There are no two people alike, and while many read about the success of those that have started a home based business, the reality is that few stick with it.

Starting your own home based business is simple when you DECIDE. You just DECIDE that it’s what you want to do and then you JUST DO IT.

As long as you follow your passion, and as long as you remain congruent with what you believe and really want in life, no one will fault you for that. Above all, it’s about teaching others how to get started and how to grow their online business.

That is what I want to share with you today. I am here to share with you that an online business from home can be quite rewarding!

online business from home

An online business from home lets you live life while earning money!

Choosing an Online Business from Home

Did you know that choosing an online business from home is simple?

Not only can you build a business from what you really love, but you can market anything online. I was raised to believe that you should follow your dreams and do what you love and what makes you happy. If you don’t, it can make you miserable.

I hear people talk about what they want to do all the time and how unhappy they are, but in reality they just need to decide to do it and STOP blaming everyone else and everything else as to why they aren’t happy and living the life they want.

If you know what you love and what you want to do , then just find a way to make it work and research for ideas. I did the same, but I soon discovered that blogging is a great and inexpensive way to market anything.


I know it seems so simple, right? It is, and I can help you. Choose the business you DESIRE, and then keep reading about what I have to say on selling what you love and how to do it!

online business from home

Work from home jobs allow me to be the mother I want to be!

How to Grow an Online Business from Home with What You Love

Did you know that you can easily grow an online business from home no matter what you are promoting?

Blogging is so easy, and with some training on how to write great content and how to blog using SEO, you will be unstoppable. Sure, you need to blog daily and be consistent, but if you are great things can happen.

I’m not here to tell you that you will get rich overnight, but this is something you can grow over time. Consistency, and learning your craft will get you there a lot faster than if you approach it from a lazy standpoint.

Will you decide that you want to make a change in your life and in your income? Do you desire more freedom with your time?

Remember, you simply need to do the following:

  • Choose to promote what you love
  • Take action
  • Blog about it, and be consistent
  • Work on learning your craft and teach others!

If you are ready to learn more about creating your online business from home, and you need help with your blogging platform, then CLICK HERE to learn more about the tools I use for success!

October 10th, 2012

How to Time Management When Working from Home

Are you wondering how to time management when you work from home?

Anytime you start working from home it’s bound to be a HUGE adjustment period. First of all, with children at home you have to be a stellar manager of your time. In my case, I not only spend time with my children but I also take care of my invalid mum.

It’s quite the responsibility, but ultimately it’s totally worth it because nothing is more important than family, right?

I don’t believe that there is, and while working from home gives you more freedom to do what you need to do, you still need to work to earn income.

I am going to share with you today how you can focus on the task at hand, and how you can stay organized for your business’s sake and your family’s sake too!

how to time management

Work from home jobs allow me to be the mother I want to be!

How to Time Management to Make it Effective

It’s important that you learn how to time management effective so that you can focus on the tasks at hand. The rule of thumb is to keep office hours so that you don’t overwork yourself.

Along with this how to time management, you need to be sure that you post your hours in email, as well as on your office door if you have one. Set the precedent by making sure that all aware of your schedule and when they can stop by or call you. It’s not uncommon for family and friends to lose sight of this when you work for yourself.

It’s so easy for those that have never been self-employed to think that you have all day to chat and take leisurely lunches! Sure, working for yourself does give you freedom and flexibility with your time, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t market yourself by:

  • Making calls
  • Preparing email campaigns
  • Marketing your social media
  • Doing solo ads
  • Blogging and more!

If you aren’t doing these things, then it might stand to reason why you have too much time on your hands!

So, now what do we do? It’s time to consider what a normal day would look like in your world, as you build your own business. Ready for the breakdown?

how to time management

Manage your time to spend more time with those you love!

How to Time Management Stands the Test of Time

So, when it all comes down to learning how to time management, will your schedule as it stands NOW stand the test of time?

Here is what a day could look like for you, to help you stay organized and working to get something DONE.

  • Breakfast @ 7AM
  • Workout@ 8AM-don’t underestimate the power of taking care of yourself
  • Outgoing sales calls/new business 9AM until 11:30
  • Check messages and emails from 11:30-12 NOON
  • Lunch Noon until 1 PM
  • Power Session-this could be reading a chapter from a book or meditating for 30 minutes 1-1:30
  • Administrative Stuff-checking voicemail, answering emails, reading mail etc. until 2:30
  • Calls or meetings from 2:30-3:30
  • Marketing Hour-social media ads, blogging, creating backlinks and more

There are any number of ways you could spin your day, but don’t forget to market yourself please!

This is so important in sharing with you how to time management work for you, and above all, stick to it as closely as you can. Otherwise it’s too easy to get off track!

I hope that this article on how to time management helped you, and if you would like to learn more about how to build a business online, then CLICK HERE now!

September 15th, 2012

Are Free Classified Websites a Good Way to Advertise?

Have you ever considered using free classified websites to promote your business? All network marketers are always looking for ways to promote their opportunity, and over the past few years one of the most popular venues for doing so has been Craig's List.

Is it profitable to use it, and if NOT, what other options do you have for free classified websites?

free classified websites

Free classified websites can help you get some exposure for your business!

The Goal with Free Classified Websites

So, what is the main goal with free classified websites? It's to not only promote your opportunity, but it's designed to get people to talk to you, email you, or just go to your website.

These ads are ideal for putting the link to your website out there, and by all means, I am a woman that loves traffic to her website! I can't live without my online traffic, otherwise I get no shot at business!

It has been said that your leads are the life blood of your business, and that is the truth. By no means would I ever lead you to believe that you could get business any other way. In fact, I want you to know that it doesn't stop there. Leads make it possible, but relationships make it all happen.

All you need is a way or a platform by which you can connect, and once you do it opens up the door for you to earn someone's business. There is one major thing that you need to combine with the opportunity of using these generic viagra

websites-a-good-way-to-advertise/” title=”Check out my Empower site for marketing! ” target=”_blank”>free classified websites, and that is to keep creating value!

free classified websites

Free classified websites can help you get known!

Are Free Classified Websites the Only Thing You Should Use?

While many marketers I know have had success with leads via these free classified websites, they are NOT ultimately the way to go when it comes to running a business. It will then become a matter of running a business on empty, and having to work hard to push without doing some online marketing with social media, blogging, and other venues.

Above all, it's about creating value, no matter how you advertise or market yourself, and don't forget that. Value is the biggest thing you can bring to the table, and if you have bright, colorful ads, promising thousands in income, it won't matter if you don't create value for those who are seeking out what you offer.

I have seen many marketers assume that they would have people flock to them just because the product was so great, and because they were so friendly when they would hold parties, or family gatherings while introducing the product.

People don't care because they still want to know what is in it for them. If you are asking folks to invest in a business just like you did, then create the same feeling for them that you had, that made you want to get into the business.

When you use free classified websites, take the time to really share with people something about yourself and what you can do to help them.

If you need more advice on free classified websites and how to market effectively, CLICK HERE now to work with me and my team!


September 15th, 2012

Marketing Techniques that Will Take Your Business to the Next Level!

Chances you are here on my blog simply because you are searching for the right marketing techniques to use for your business. I admire you for working at mastering your craft. Do you know how many people don't do this on a daily basis?

I know what it means to try and get started but NEVER really take the right steps to get there. I am going to share with you how you can take your business to the next level by using some simple marketing techniques to get you there using the internet.

marketing techniques

What marketing techniques can help you grow your busines?

Online Marketing Techniques that You MUST Use to be Successful

One of the things I find most interesting is that most people in the industry of network marketing simply pass over the MOST important marketing tool. What is that tool? It's the internet!

How is it possible that people haven't figured out that putting their business online is what would win the day? With all that you can find online, it only makes sense that you would put yourself into the mix as well. You are worth it! Plus, if you want people to find you then you MUST be online!

This includes NOT only a website, but remember you need to drive people to it. This means that in addition to your website, you will need to use the following:

  • Social media
  • Blogging
  • Forums and more!

These tools are what drive traffic and get you in front of more people

what is the treatment for vitiligo

to get you MORE exposure. There has never been a time when marketing online didn't work for someone, and now you can find out by testing these marketing techniques out for yourself.

Remember, it's all about testing, so using these methods and finding out whether or not they really work is the key. What works for one person may not work for you, but don't try it for just one week and give up. Make sense?

marketing techniques

What marketing techniques are you using to make yourself stand out?

Master Marketing Techniques One at a Time

The key to using various marketing techniques is to learn, test, and then master one at a time. Pick one that you really like, and start with that. It might be SEO with a blog, social media campaigns, or something totally different. Perhaps you are using attraction marketing and offering tons of free stuff on your website.

There are many things that you can do to really kick up your marketing efforts a notch. Just in case you were wondering, you need to start this NOW and not continue to wait if you aren't doing it now.

Remember, in order to get the freedom that you want in your life you have to do things right. Work smarter NOT harder. So, if that is what you want to do, then start learning these online marketing techniques to help you run your business on auto pilot.

Are you struggling with what marketing techniques work for your business?

Are you tired of being up all night trying out marketing techniques that are going to cost you money upfront with no idea whether or not you will even enjoy it?

Trust me when I say I know what you are going through. If you would like to learn more about what marketing techniques have proven to be most effective, then CLICK HERE now to work with me and my team directly!


August 20th, 2012

The Power of an Article

Have you ever read an article that just grabbed you? Maybe it made you feel differently about life, or something you were going through at the time.

Maybe it moved you completely from an emotional standpoint too, and you were caught off guard. That is how you know it was good content, and you probably even wanted to share it on Facebook too. One thing that you may not have realized is that you can do the same for your business too.

I am going to share with you how you can use a good article to promote your business, and where you can place the article for best results.


What is an article?

What Makes a Good Article for Your Business?

So, what makes a good article for your business?

It's all about creating or providing value. If you can do this, you have overcome half the battle. This means that you should write about your products and services so that you can share with your potential clients how your offerings will benefit them.

Remember, it's all about marketing, and good marketing means more business. Articles are a great way to market your business and you can do this online. It's generally a good idea to put up articles in multiple article directories, but be sure that you put up various pieces of content in those directories rather than putting up the same one again and again.

If Google reads your articles as duplicate content you could potentially lose your ability to market online, as Google will wipe them out. Make sure that each article you post is fresh content!

cle ” title=”article ” width=”300″ height=”217″ class=”size-medium wp-image-1567″ /> Write an article that speaks to your target audience

How to Make Your Article Stand Out Every Time

The secret to getting your article read is to make it stand out. Wouldn't you agree?

The first clue you need to write a strong article is to address your target audience. Who are they? They should fall in line with your product or service, so that you are able to sell it. Therefore, it MUST attract those that are in your target audience.

Keep these things in mind while writing:

  • Give your title an interesting spin.
  • Open up with a question to draw in the reader.
  • Asking a question helps you learn if there is a problem you can solve. Solving a problem for someone will generally lead to a sal

Getting the attention of the right individual means everything. This is what marketing is all about, not to mention that good marketing leads to sales.

So, what makes an article powerful?


Publish articles on social media sites

Bringing Power to Your Article

Now that you know what makes an article good enough to read, how do you give it some mojo?
Simply put, you need to focus on solving the problem and solving it from various angles. What I mean by that is this; if you are a network marketer, you want to know how you can grow your business online but you also want to know how to grow it fast if you are new, right?

There are multiple issues network marketers have like:

  • Figuring out why readers don't open your emails
  • Figuring out why you don't have more subscribers
  • Figuring out how to get more fans for your Facebook page and more!

These are all now common things to write about, but you MUST write about these in each article. You don't need to write about them all at once, but you do need to address concerns each day of those that you are trying tor each in an informative yet interesting way.

I hope that this article helps you write your articles today and well into the future.

If you want to learn more about how you can take each article and propel it into the search engine rankings, then CLICK HERE now!


July 31st, 2012

Marketing Techniques that You Can Apply to Any Online Business!

Chances are you are looking for some marketing techniques to help you promote your online business, or perhaps you are looking for techniques that you can use for your MLM business too.

I am here to tell you that there are several different marketing techniques that you can use online and that apply to almost any business. If you want to learn more about how you can market your business effectively, then keep reading to learn more and how I can help you become a top earner in your company today!

marketing techniques

What Marketing Techniques are You Using?

Before I get into the marketing techniques I am using I want to know what you are using right now that you aren't happy with. I find that many people try too many marketing tools at once, or they are checking out tools that are really of no benefit to them.

It can be overwhelming for you if you start trying everything under the sun, so it's best to just focus on one marketing technique or strategy at a time to see how you like it, and whether or not you get results from it.

I know what it's like to be presented with too many things at once, and it can be harrowing!

However, you should know by now that there is a simple way to evaluate what you are using right now, to know whether or not it's something that you need to keep using, or if you are just using it the wrong way.

The first thing you need to do is to determine what your niche market is. Once you have that figured out, I want you to then understand how that marketing technique can be used to help you market to your niche market.

If you haven't done this yet, go and do it so that you can make progress and move forward in your business. Don't allow anything to stop you, and remember it's all about how well you can market a product or service in order to earn a living doing so.

marketing techniques Get A Girl Back In 30 Days Or Less By John Alexander

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New Marketing Techniques that Can Help You Grow Your Business

If you are looking for marketing techniques that can help you grow your business and that really work, then let me share with you some techniques that I use that I know will work and work for me.

With my online business I use blogging to promote them, and for good reason. Think about the possibilities once you blog; once you do the blog is out there for others to read, which means you could make money two years from now on something you blog about today.

You might be wondering how this works, so let me use affiliate marketing as an example.Let's say that I buy an Amazon or EBay website, and I blog about items that I wish to make commission on. Someone reads my blog about a Pilates machine that costs around $5,000, and based on the commission that Amazon says I can make, I will earn money from that particular blog entry.

Make sense?

This is how blogging for business works, and it's one of the easiest and most effective marketing techniques you can use!

marketing techniques

Marketing Techniques that Involve Automation

Last but not least, you should know that some of the best marketing techniques ever involved automation. I am talking about doing phone broadcasts, video broadcasts, and of course using some email marketing too.

All of these marketing techniques are feasible, and they ALL work. The bottom line is that you can make money online, but you need to learn more about marketing upfront so that you can propel your business into greatness. The only way to do that is by learning more about the most effective marketing techniques upfront, and how to tailor them to your business.

Video and blogging are excellent techniques to help you go viral, and they are forever helping countless thousands make money online, including myself.

Now that you have read this article on how to market your business better, are you ready to get moving?

If you want to be coached on the top marketing techniques in business today, and you want to learn how to leverage the internet for profit, then CLICK HERE NOW!

Get A Girl Back In 30 Days Or Less By John Alexander

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July 28th, 2012

Marketing Objectives | What Do You Plan to Accomplish with Your Business?

Marketing objectives are often NOT solidified by people before they start their online business. As crazy as that sounds, it’s true!

The first thing that you should do when starting your online business is write down your goals and objectives before you do anything else, otherwise you will be traveling without a roadmap. It’s important to clarify what the objective of your business is, and what YOU want out of it.

I want to share with you today why these marketing objectives are so critical, and how you can really make things work in your favor!

marketing objectives

Marketing objectives are on target

Clarify Your Marketing Objectives!

One of the first things that you should do when starting an online venture is to clarify your marketing objectives. Why? In order to have an idea of where you are headed, you need to have a clear, outlined path-PERIOD.

As I mentioned in the opening section, it’s really like trying to travel without a roadmap, and it’s so easy to get lost. You really need to understand this in order for you to have success in your business AND ultimately in your life. It’s just as the saying goes about writing down your goals.

If you don’t write your goals down, they will never become a firm reality for you. You MUST clarify what you want, how you want it, and how soon you want it in order for it to become a reality.

It has been said that the action of writing down your marketing objectives is what steers your mind in the right direction to get things accomplished, and no doubt it works great. So, how do you know what your objectives really are? Keep reading for some tips and rules on how I got started from day one!

marketing objectives

Marketing objectives can make or break your business

Knowing What Your Marketing Objectives Really Are

So, how do you know what your marketing objectives really are?

Firstly, you need to know what your niche market is, and if you don’t, then figure it out quickly! Let’s say for instance you want to sell health products and you choose to do this through an MLM business. You wouldn’t market to those that want to buy sportswear, right?

Sure, these same folks may be into nutrition, but many different companies categorize various types of clothing as sportswear, so it’s not all the same. Those that are into health and nutrition are generally seeking vitamins and other nutritional supplements to improve their overall health.

This means that your marketing objectives are going to be based on that market, bringing focus to how you market your product or service. Make sense?

This means that your marketing objectives would more or less be geared towards driving people to buy your products for good over-all health, or to target specific areas of their health that they would like to change. This also helps you when you are buying marketing tools to grow your business.

Remember, the idea is to market to the right people for the right product, thus making you their perfect choice when they want someone to turn to.

marketing objectives

Implementing marketing objectives takes time

Implement Your Marketing Objectives

Now that you have a better idea of how to get to your marketing objectives and why they are important, are you ready to implement what you have learned here?

If you want to grow your business it’s time to put your marketing objectives to work and start driving traffic to your website so that you can grow your income too.

If you aren’t sure how to get started, and you need to put your marketing objectives to work, then CLICK HERE now!

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Posted in Marketing Strategies and Training | 233 Comments »

March 14th, 2012

5 Advantages Of Home Business Opportunities For Mothers And Professional Women

Home Business Opportunities For Mothers And Professional Women

How Am I Supposed To Fit It All In?

If you’re a mother, have a job and are partially responsible for the finances in your home, chances are you’ll be pulled in a variety of directions. Women are capable of juggling many demands, but whatever you’re juggling, it only takes adding one extra ball to throw everything out of whack.

You might be able to handle the job, the children, and the bills most of the time, but what happens when you add to that an ill family member you need to care for, a plummeting economy that forces you out of your job, or a sick child that desperately needs you (typically on the same day a project is due at work)? Get one too many balls in the air and they’ll all come crashing down around you.

Home business opportunities for mothers and professional women offer some wonderful advantages that allow you to keep your professional skills honed while better accommodating the demands of your family.

  • Flexibility: There is no denying how empowering a flexible schedule can be to a mother. Business opportunities for mothers and professional women that allow you to work from home, set your own schedules, and work around the other demands in your life not only allow you to become more productive but also ease pressure you might feel trying to cram everything into a scheduled work shift.
  • Eased guilt: Tired of feeling guilty about saying no to your children when they want you to spend extra time with them? Do you dread the tears you know will well up in your childs eyes when you can’t be there for something important? Home business opportunities for mothers and professional women create the possibility of a guilt-free work zone. You can start saying yes to your kids more often.
  • Better work-life balance: Stay at home mums are sometimes frustrated at not being able to maintain their professional skills. Professional working women are sometimes frustrated at being away from home so much. Home business opportunities for mothers and professional women offer the best of both worlds, allowing you to create a work-life balance that really works.
  • Cost savings: How much money do you spend on your professional wardrobe? Your commute? That morning latte? Daycare? Those costs can all be diminished or erased completely when you work from home.
  • Job contentment: Often, we take jobs because we have to in order to help make ends meet. There is such a wide variety of home business opportunities for mothers and professional women, however, that you can find something that pays the bills and fulfills you.

    I was one of those professional women juggling several balls in the air as a mum and at times, it was crazy and I’d be running around like a headless chicken trying to be in several places at the same time keeping everyone happy – with my boss at the top of list of priorities. It was just nuts – that’s the best way I can describe it.

    Home Business Opportunities For Mothers And Professional Women

    It's Great To Have It All

    Fortunately, I was made redundant late in 2010 from a corporate job which forced me to take stock and re-evaluate my life. This led me to finding a community of expert internet marketers and online business professionals and mentors who got me up and running in my own online business from home and it’s completely changed my life. Gone is all that ridiculous juggling and putting my boss before my family.

    Pro U is probably the worlds number one online education platform and entrepreneurial mentoring program and offers members live training in online marketing, business, mindset and leadership skills with all the tools, resources, coaching and support needed for entrepreneurial success.
    You can learn at your own pace, meet likeminded individuals and above all, live your life as you please while you run your own business from home. To me, this is the most brilliant home business opportunity for mothers and professional women.

    Want to know more? If you do, you can always check out this free webinar? Just click here to organise a time that suits you.

    If my post was helpful, I’d love you to share it with your friends.

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    Posted in Home Business Opportunities, Marketing Strategies and Training, News, Work From Home | 61 Comments »

    January 19th, 2012

    Top Tips For Blogging Success For A Work At Home Mum In An Online Marketing Business

    If You’re A Work At Home Mum Like I Am – I Hope My Blogging Tips Will Help You

    If you’re a work at home mum running an online marketing business, you need to understand the importance of blogging. Anyone can write a blog, but not just anyone can write a blog that will be pulling in the viewers and gaining you those much needed hits and ultimately leading to sales.  It’s a crucial element to running a successful business. So, what can be done? Let me share with you a few hints which will help bring your blogging alive and kickstart your online presence.

    If You’re A Work At Home Mum – Be Interesting

    Now, for some this might seem to be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised and like I’m sure you all do, I too read countless blogs and some of them don’t really inspire me.

    Sometimes we get caught up in trying to post as many blogs as possible and then we lose that crucial spark. A boring blog post is a wasted blog post, but creating something fresh, new and informative is the perfect opportunity to attract much-needed traffic to your site. Think about what you’d like to read yourself and you can’t go far wrong.

    It’s all about reputation, and the only way you can achieve status as an expert in your field is to demonstrate that. Create first-rate content offering solutions, ideas and more and your readers will be hooked and engaged, exactly what you need.

    If You’re A Work At Home Mum – Be Regular

    I would suggest the ideal situation is to post on the same day (or days) each week, preferably at the same time. If you’re setting yourself into a timetable to write the posts then more than likely your readers will come to expect them and if they know some new exciting content is on its way on a Tuesday at 10 am, then perhaps they’ll head over to your site to check around that time, or they’ll open their RSS Feeds at some point too.

    If you’re still a fledgling site then you’ll be wanting to post as much as possible, but don’t flood your readers. There’s a fine line here, you don’t want to be posting endless dreary content but then at the same time if your posts are sporadic and half-hearted then you risk alienating readers too. It’s up to you to establish what’s appropriate, but just strike up a rhythm, and see what works best for you and your viewers. Every other day is a great place to start.

    If You’re A Work At Home Mum – Be Savvy

    I cannot emphasise enough just how crucial keywords are to your articles and posts. A few minutes of efficient, useful keyword research can plug you into the massive traffic arriving through search engines, and furthermore, it’s not just limited to your new posts.

    Think about it, if you’re using appropriate keywords in all your posts, then there’s a real likelihood that a casual browser on Google, Yahoo, Bing or any of the other search engines might just stumble across your article. If they like it, then maybe they’ll hit that crucial subscribe button. After all, what’s the harm in trying? A small amount of effort can reap huge rewards over a long period of time if you get this right.

    If You’re A Work At Home Mum – Be Vocal

    Nobody wants their blog to just be one in a sea of other blogs, so you need to make yours stand out from the crowd. High quality articles goes some way, but it’s up to you to use your Facebook page, your Twitter account, YouTube and other social media to really get yourself heard. If you can make interesting comments on other peoples’ content too then again it will raise your profile. I’m not talking about you hijacking a post with blatant spam linking to your own page. Be a real person, make some insightful comment and perhaps somebody will have the presence to click on you and have a look around.

    Like it or loathe it, online you’re always presenting yourself, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t harness this power to your own advantage as a business.

    If You’re A Work At Home Mum – So What Now?

    Blogging, as we know, is a perfect way to demonstrate your talents in your field, so persevere with it. If you’re a work at home mum running your own online marketing business then it’s crucial you understand the importance of getting your blogging right and hopefully, these tips will help you on your way. Remember these tips each time you’re writing and you’ll start seeing results in no time. I wish you success.

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    Posted in Marketing Strategies and Training, Social Media, Work From Home | 22 Comments »

    January 9th, 2012

    Does An Internet Marketing Business Need A Facebook Page?

    You bet it does, along with just about every other business on the planet both online and offline no matter how big or small. This is the 21st Century and technology is racing ahead at such a speed. If you’ve got an Internet marketing business or any other kind of business, you need to be getting a Facebook Page right now. Don’t wait, you won’t want to get left behind.

    So why Facebook?

    New sites such as Google+ and privacy-focused Diaspora are attempting to knock it off its pedestal, but at the end of the day, almost everything in today’s social media space is focused around Facebook.

    With around 700 million user accounts, Facebook has grown exponentially since its Harvard beginnings in 2005, and in fact, if it was a country it would be the 3rd most populated in the world.

    Some people have misgivings about Facebook for various reasons such as lack of time, concerns about privacy or general confusion but the benefits definitely outweigh the drawbacks.

    For the majority of us, when we think of the Internet, the first website that comes to mind is Google, but in fact, Facebook has more web traffic than the titanic search giant, where people spend around 700 billion minutes per month on the social network. Clearly, this is where your business needs to be.

    Then again, it’s not just about the numbers. Still not convinced? Read on.

    Online Presence

    An individual has their own personal profile, but as a business, you can create what is known as a Facebook Page. Recent updates to the way Facebook works, mean that you can interact with other users pages as your business. In other words, any activity on Facebook can be attributed to your Business Page rather than your own personal Profile – effortless advertising at its most subtle, so long as you’re not over posting unnecessarily.


    Anybody who ‘likes’ your page will see everything that you post in their News Feed – a live, constantly updated stream of information. The nature of the site means that everything you do in the public domain on Facebook will show up to all your target audience, giving them an opportunity to interact all the time. Post something interesting every day and people are able to get to know you and your business better, and this knowledge leading to trust is crucial for your success.


    This is a platform for you to show and tell your audience just how special you are – not in an overt way, but through being a veritable expert on your market niche. Post informative tips, interesting news articles, useful ideas so that you are first in the collective consciousness of your audience when they need your services.


    Facebook is another outlet for your company so make the most of this – the more you are seen across the Internet with a consistent brand image the better, so even if you’re new to this, you can be on the same level as the big guys! Get yourself a professional branding package if you can which will greatly improve public perception of your business, and then make sure this is the same across your online presence, including Facebook.

    Go Viral

    If you like, this is your main goal here, and while it doesn’t happen to everyone, Facebook helps hugely. Everything is about sharing here, and it’s free word-of-mouth advertising! Sign up to RSS feeds and surf the net regularly for interesting content which you can then share on your Facebook page, be it videos, articles, tips, anything, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be yours either, as in this case you are only passing it on. Even the best journalists are known to share content from other companies and similar, so why can’t you every now and then do the same thing? Again, if people know they can trust you to pass on good information, then they will more than likely believe in you equally when you’re posting your own material.

    This list could go on and on, and that’s the best thing about Facebook right now. It’s a true hub of activity, and the best thing you can do right now for your Internet marketing business or any business that you may be involved with is to get a Facebook Page as fast as you can.

    N.B: Remember, a Facebook Page is different to a Facebook Profile. The latter is focused on business and a space for interaction with customers or potential customers, whereas a profile is what your friends and individuals use!

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