Posts Tagged ‘marketing digital’


July 29th, 2013

Professional Women in Business-What These Women Do that Works!

Professional women in business have discovered that they can easily build their businesses online, and they choose to take the time to use the tools that are available to develop their business faster.

At the very least, when you ask “What is a marketing campaign?”, wait for the answer. Opening up the ears to listen is without a doubt the best thing we can do, and listening is a lost art. Hence the reason that marketing digital is much more effective. You can easily use social media to reach out to your prospects before you ever connect with them verbally or in person.

It’s all about reaching out and engagement. If you don’t convey what you believe to your audience then you can’t expect them to come around! Do you desire to attract the “right” crowd? If you do then we need to talk!

I want to share with you how professional women in business are harnessing the power of the internet and using a sound marketing campaign to grow their online presence and create the life they have been dreaming of!

What Professional Women in Business Know!

What do professional women in business know that you don’t? It’s not a big SECRET, but rather it’s tapping into the modern day power that is already at your fingertips! I teach marketers to learn the true digital marketing definition before they do anything else.

So, what does this mean? How do you define harnessing the power of an online venture?

Simply put it’s a combination of things including:

  1. Identifying your true passion and marketing it online
  2. Blogging about your passion to drive traffic to your website
  3. Using social media to attract your audience and then educate them about what you do and why
  4. Use email marketing to keep your audience up to date on what you are doing and WHY

Putting these things together is the only way to take your business to a whole new level, and it’s the best and easiest way to do things when marketing on a budget. The truth is that not only do we find ourselves in a bind when we start a new business, but we just need to be focusing on how to do things a little bit smarter.

There are so many tools to use online to get started for free, that you simply wouldn’t be able to use to start up a brick and mortar business. It’s amazing that so many still haven’t tapped into the ability to start an online business without thousands, and the overhead from now into the future will remain low. Come on ladies, this can be done! You can do this!

In fact, if you are one of the many stay at home moms going back to work, this is perfect for you!

Professional Women in Business Are Teaching Others How to Have Major Success Online!

While you may think that this sounds too easy, I would urge you to consider really researching this so you can find out for yourself. I am providing you with tons of valuable information, but at the end of the day you have to learn this for yourself.

I am connected to many professional women in business that I look to for advice when I can’t find my way, or if I hear about something new in the world of marketing. When you connect with likeminded individuals, you’ll learn:

  • How to brand yourself
  • How to start marketing yourself online
  • How to really let your personality shine through and more!

Digital marketing has changed the way we do things, and not to mention that traditional marketing has really lost it’s flavour when it comes to cost, but how people receive it too. Marketing via newspaper is no longer the way to go about doing things, in fact it’s the last option. However, you’ll see the results from the connections you make online much faster than you would any other method.


July 16th, 2013

Digital Marketing Definition-What You Need to Know

Do you know the digital marketing definition? If not, it’s time that you learned more about how you can start a home based business and market yourself online for less than you would with a standard business.

It seems these days that more professional women in business are learning how to work their business from home and  how they are able to handle marketing on a budget too. Marketing online doesn’t take a lot of money, in fact, you cannot start a business for less than you can for a business you can market online. If you are marketing with very little money to start, then you have come to the right place.

My goal is provide a website  where men and women both can learn more about how they can start a business online, on a budget, and  all in hopes that they can easily learn that digital marketing definition to help them promote whatever endeavor they wish! It is now easier than ever to not only start a business with digital resources, but it’s also easier to maintain one, and it’s less costly.

What does this involved and what does this mean for marketing yourself?

digital marketing definition

The Digital Marketing Definition of 2013!

Now that I have your attention, I also want to teach you something of great value; working for yourself will give you total FREEDOM in your life. This means that you can have:

  1. More freedom with your time
  2. More time with those you love
  3. Work when you want
  4. Do something you love rather than something you hate

It’s a terrible thing when you work in a job that you don’t like, and I have to tell you that you aren’t loving yourself when you are doing something that you are NOTpassionate about.

The digital marketing definition for you should mean doing something you would want to do even if you NEVER got paid for it. For you this could mean, playing with puppies, growing vegetables, or even marketing something online. In this case, you can market anything online!

The greatest privilege of this digital age is that it’s easier than ever to start marketing on a budget. You can easily run a marketing campaign that is successful with the use of your website, social media, and blogging just to name a few.

What is a marketing campaign like when you are running one with a digital structure?

Digital Marketing Definition is Easy to Understand and to Use!

Now that you have some idea of what you can use to market in this digital age, even if you are new to this you’ll understand completely. To start, you’ll have your WordPress site or blog. Actually, in this, just like mine it can be both.

This means that you’ll be presenting yourself as an expert, and branding yourself through your website. It tells a bit about who you are, what you do, and what you plan to market. Additionally, you’ll start creating your social media page as well, and this is where you’ll focus on engaging people in conversation. It’s all about starting small or lean, and then growing your business from there.

Creating your online presence is really what this digital marketing definition is all about. You’ll need to learn:

  1. How to brand yourself
  2. How to market yourself
  3. Above all, how to connect with people on a real level

This new way of marketing and starting a business is what is helping stay at home mums going back to work build a business and earn income. Remember, do what you love for it to become profitable.


July 15th, 2013

Marketing Yourself-You Must Market You to Win!

Marketing yourself is essential to having success, whether you choose a traditional business model or not. In fact, marketing has changed dramatically as we approach a new digital age, where everything is online.

Whether we like it or not the facts tell us that people don’t want a direct sales approach, but rather they want to be left alone to make their own decisions. People don’t want to be pressured, but rather they want to slowly come around to making decisions with the information they have been given. I discovered that as things changed, I had to do the same, and there was no better time than now to do it!

The thing is, marketing yourself is actually easier than it used to be! Consider that with the internet you can be in front of more people with less effort, and this means that you are in the power position, REALLY, you are. So, what do you need to use and what do you need to say to get your message across to your target audience?

marketing on a budget

Marketing Yourself On a Dime

Even if you are on a budget and first getting started, you can easily run a marketing campaign on the cheap. There’s no doubt it takes some thought to do so, but you can easily when you have done some research upfront.

Marketing digital makes it easier than in times past to run a business on a budget, and with the use of social media, blogging, and email marketing, you can easily drive business that is consistent and with people that will buy from you over and over. Learning how to brand yourself is part of that creative process, and once you give your audience something to remember you buy, it’s easy to leave your mark on people.

Branding yourself can include:

  1. A tagline that people always associated with you
  2. The name of your business and LLC
  3. The name of your business
  4. The style in which you market
  5. The way that you recruit others into your business
  6. and so forth

What is a marketing campaign really all about? It’s about the ability to market you to your audience in a way that is fresh and new on a daily basis while continuing to create value with others. It has been said that it’s more of a blessing to give than it is to receive, and when you are marketing yourself, you need to teach others what you know and help them get what they want, which in turn will get you what you want down the road.

So, what do professionals do to market themselves that works?

Marketing Yourself Like the Cream of the Crop

Marketing yourself can be a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun. One of the most interesting things I’ve ever done to market myself was just to capture live video with myself interviewing David Wood.

It seems that making videos with myself and top rated marketers got me some attention, and quickly. I will tell you that I believe that video is some of the best marketing you can do, because it makes you more real to your audience. Professional women in business use video wisely, and they have a knack for drawing people to them with compelling video.

People love to be entertained, but they can really see who you are in the video. The way that marketing has stated the digital marketing definition is such that it’s easier than ever to connect with people, but remember it’s your target audience. I love connecting with people, as it’s the only way to build teams effectively, and really learn from the top marketers in the industry.

Marketing yourself is done with consistent creation of value!

Marketing on a budget can be done, and it can be done professionally to build an audience, and one one that you can build relationships with and coach. After all, that is the idea, right? Wouldn’t you like to learn more about the stay at home moms going back to work and how they made this happen for their business?

If you would like to learn more about “marketing yourself”, and how you can build your business online, go to the CONTACT ME tab, or click on the ad to the right of this blog and get access to this FREE 7 day bootcamp!

July 5th, 2013

A Whole New World! What to Expect Your First Year of Internet Marketing!

A whole new world awaits you if you are planning to jump into digital marketing, but this is your time to test new waters. It’s exciting to start a home based business and it’s fun to learn new things,however, it’s wise for you to have an understanding of what you can expect your first year in business.

You’ll need to have a realistic view of what it takes for you to make it, how much hustling you’ll really need to do, and what you’ll be earning within your first 6 months into your first year of internet marketing. It’s so important that what you expect is real, so that you don’t set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

I am going to share with you what I know, and what I personally experienced so that you can do the same, and you’ll be ready to enter into a whole new world with your new business!

a whole new world

Learn how to make money in a recession

Entering Into a Whole New World with a Home Business

When you choose to start a home business, you’ll find yourself planning for what seems like an eternity, and then you’ll find that there is a season of activity that needs to take place in order to make your dreams come to fruition.

Before you can even plan, an idea is born, and it’s one that grows from your deepest passions in life. This means that for each one of us our business could be something different, whether its:

  1. Skincare and beauty items
  2. Health and wellness
  3. Precious metals and collectibles
  4. Home decor and other categories

The options for home based business are endless, but once you have an idea you need to draw out a small plan for your business to get it started. This means planning for:

  1. Startup costs
  2. Logo
  3. Branding yourself online
  4. Creating an online platform to let people know you exist!

There are so many things to consider, but you cannot get anywhere unless you get started. So, your first year will involve some thought and planning, before you take action. It will take you about 3 months to do this if you are fervent and dedicated to spending time with this each day, and then when you are in month 4, you’ll find that taking action feels good and that you are more than ready.

While you’ll be part of a whole new world, you’ll learn by reading and studying about others that had success before you!

Don’t Freak Out in a Whole New World!

While you may be feeling overwhelmed already, remember, my position is that I am here to help you. Everyone that starts a home business and is new to the idea of being self employed may feel a little nervous at times, but it’s a great feeling to know that you will be working for yourself and doing something you really love.

Although you may have a full-time job now, you’ll need to give yourself some time to create and put this together. Be realistic about the fact that you’ll need to study and research before you ever run an ad of any kind via social media, or before you ever use email marketing. You’ll also want to follow top marketers in the industry, just as I did to learn what pitfalls you could encounter during your first year.

This is how I found Six Figure Mentors.  I didn’t have all of the answers when I started and I still don’t! What I do know is that if you surround yourself with knowledgeable people that have experience, and have had success in the online marketing sphere, you’ll learn quickly.

Do you want to start a new business, but you just aren’t sure where to start? Are you looking for a mentor for your business that can help you get to six figures? If you are ready to delve into a whole new world, and you would like a little helping hand, just go HERE to access the Six Figure Mentor 7 day bootcamp!

June 15th, 2013

Online Business Ideas for the New Internet Marketer

If you are new to the scope of online marketing, I am not surprised if you are looking for some online business ideas so that you can create a viable business from home. There is plenty to offer when you form an online business, and that is because nearly everything can be sold online, and it’s simply a matter of whether or not you are willing to try it.

How do you know if you have something of value to share? It’s answered easily with questions that you can ask yourself before you start. All you need to know is that you have some life experience, and that you have a skillset that others don’t to provide a unique opportunity to yourself to make some money. So, what are these questions that you need to ask yourself to determine whether or not you have what it takes to earn income online?

It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home mom, or even a stay at home dad. You can easily make money online with your unique business opportunity, no matter what it is. I am going to share with you how you can find these online business ideas to earn cash online, and why they are ideal in that they take so little to run and maintain them!

online business ideas

Some Great Online Business Ideas Just for You!

Naturally, people think about the things they expect to see online like Web Design, but I have to tell you I am NOT a web design guru! There are tons of freelance websites where you can offer these services and that is just fine, but most of you reading this just want to know what you can do for zero dollars to start.

You are just like I was when I knew that I wanted to start a business online, and I knew that I had to find something that would require very little investment upfront, and I wanted low overhead. It’s so easy to get something with very little overhead if you plan to start a business online. This is why I chose affiliate marketing first above everything else.

I liked that I could promote something for someone else without a large dollar investment, and I didn’t want to pay tons to market it either. As an affiliate, you are just promoting things you love, like products and services you use, or would consider using. So, how do you know what they are?

You have to always turn to those things that you love and that you are passionate about, so ask these questions!

  1. What life experience do you have?
  2. What are you most passionate about?
  3. Do you have a hobby or interest?

If so, then chances are you have a business! Don’t mind me any, but if you haven’t read Gary Vaynerhuck’s book, Why Now is the Time to Crush It!, then you need to pick it up. He was thinking about how to make a deal when he was 8 years old! That is pretty funny, but so true. He has proven that you can easily take your passion in life, and convert that into income.

Yes, it is a business folks. It is a business. There are tons of online business ideas if you take the time to create a checklist of these ideas, you’ll find your fortune on the inside!

Online Business Ideas Can Be Promoted Online of Course!

Okay, so while you sulk and don’t make your checklist, I have to tell you that others are making money way ahead of you. There are some smart marketers that took their online business ideas and turned them into mega cash, and they were smart to do so! Don’t let time run out on what you have in your head as a business idea!

I know these individuals, and they are six figure earners! Isn’t that where you would like to be? Right now is the time to act fast! Don’t wait another moment! If you want to learn more about how you can start a business with nothing and turn it into something, and if you want to learn how these greats took online business ideas and turned them into money quickly, go HERE right now to learn more in this FREE bootcamp from the Six Figure Mentors NOW!

June 14th, 2013

How to Brand Yourself-Give Them Something to Talk About

Did you know that learning how to brand yourself is one of the most important aspects of your home business? Not only is it important for you to get started, but it’s important that you make a name for yourself. I always use the phrase from Bonnie Raitt’s song, “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About!”

Can you imagine using that in a marketing campaign?

It’s wise to to do things that get people to remember you, because after all, no advertising is really bad advertising right? Consider that marketing yourself is the most important thing you can do. It’s all about setting yourself apart and being unique and giving people something to remember you by. What do you need to do to make sure that you stand out in the crowd when you market online?

I am going to share with you, how to brand yourself for your new business venture, and how you can easily capture the hearts of the audience you wish to attract with very little money using online resources!

how to brand yourself

First Step in How to Brand Yourself

What is the first step you should take when you learn how to brand yourself?

No matter what you love, no matter what you look like, and no matter what you do for a living, it’s important that you learn how to brand yourself. It has been said that if you have no vision, you won’t get very far and I tend to agree. So, having a vision for your business is a MUST.

However, it’s important that most of all you don’t lose yourself. You need to be YOU, and be true to yourself no matter what. This is where marketing digital is important and it’s also where digital marketing definition shows up. If you are working for someone else, you won’t be able to be yourself, nor will you be able to attract the customers that resonate with your message.

After all, you need only to FOCUS on:

  1. Your area of expertise
  2. Your successes and achievements
  3. Your life experiences as they relate to your talents and gifts
  4. Choose an avatar or a persona that exemplifies who you are
  5. Join communities or forums that define what you want your message to be

There are so many ways for you to do this, and it’s so important that you take the time to do this with care. If you don’t spend time focusing on how to attract your niche market, you’ll never get any closer to bringing the folks you want into your inner circle.

Remember, if you have a PASSION for doing something, you can create niche sites to attract the audience you want to work with you in your business. So, if you know what this is, then make your message consistent across your site, blog, and yes, even your social media pages.

How to Brand Yourself in a Marketing Campaign

Now that you have the basics on how to brand yourself, now you need to make sure that you make this clear in your first marketing campaign. I know tons of professional women in business that are quite good at this!

What is a marketing campaign?

It’s a campaign that involves:

  1. Your website or product
  2. Your offer is applicable
  3. Your story
  4. Your email marketing and auto responders that show your personality
  5. Your videos

Can you see how this works? You don’t have to spend hours on end with this stuff, but you MUST make sure that at least your message is consistent throughout. If you want to teach others how to build their business, then by all means be sure that you are teaching them how to do so.  Make sure that everything, down to your email signature signifies who you are and what you are about.

Marketing yourself is so important, so don’t forget that YOU are tops! Let your beauty shine through, your charisma, whatever it is that you have to offer! Make others aware so that you can attract the right audience, the folks you want to work with.

Stay at home moms going back to work are doing this to start their home business, don’t you think you can do this too?

If you would like to learn more about “how to brand yourself”, and how to build your home business, go HERE now to ACCESS this FREE 7 day bootcamp NOW!

June 13th, 2013

Stay at Home Moms Going Back to Work Don’t Wanna Go!

Are you one of the many stay at home moms going back to work that is fighting that inner battle of whether or not you are doing the right thing? Are you feeling guilty because you can’t seem to manage both at the same time?

Either way, the battle is really tough in your mind and in your heart, but so many women go through this. I know many professional women in business that go through this, and it’s no fun at all. The reality is that women are changing the way they look at going back to work, and they are making it a point to learn how to grow a business online.

As a mum myself, I know how important it was for me to work from home, and take care of my family. What saved me in my position to want to stay at home and raise my kids? It was marketing digital that has changed everything for me without reservation.

Just some of the questions that you may have as mothers, that I am going to  answer are, “What is a marketing campaign?”, and “How can stay at home moms going back to work avoid working outside the home?” Ah, have I got an answer for you!

stay at home moms going back to work

Why Stay at Home Moms Going Back to Work Don’t Have to Leave the House!

So, how do I know that you can stay at home and raise your children? Ah, it’s pretty simple really. It’s all about sticking with your passion. Okay, I know that really means your kids, but you can truly do what you are passionate about.

  • Do you have a hobby?
  • What life experience do you have?

If you have answers to these questions you have a business, you just don’t know it yet. I mean, just consider that you are a mother! You have plenty to tell! Not to mention, that because you are so busy, the ideal work environment for you is at home, right?

Once you identify what that passion is, you are ready to put that into a business and make money, am I right? This means that not only can you promote what you love, but you can stop pulling your hair out by marketing what you love. If you have been buying something for any length of time then you already know how it’s being marketed.

If you have read the descriptions of meals on menus, then yes, you have seen marketing at work. The thing is, you can easily build a marketing campaign with something you love, no matter what it is. As long as you have a passion for it, you’ll do great.

This is why so many professional women in business are doing so well, and having it all!

This digital marketing definition is easy, and it’s just the same as using all the ways we know how to communicate today, you better believe it! If you are new to all of this digital stuff and it’s making you crazy, never fear! I am one of those stay at home moms going back to work that didn’t wanna go too!

I can also tell you that I learned how to get away from that and back in the home. Keep reading, we are almost done here!

Stay at Home Moms Going Back to Work is the In Thing!

Can you remember the last time you read a newspaper?

Probably not, and that is okay. The thing is, most people spend more time online than they do with anything else. This is because of the change in the way we do advertising and marketing as whole. Communication is now the norm online with the help of:

  1. YouTube
  2. Hulu for TV
  3. Netflix
  4. Blogging
  5. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and more)

These are growing, and no they won’t die anytime soon. Even if you are marketing on a budget you can easily establish your business in the marketplace and you’ll be respected for it. Take heart! It’s easy to learn!

I always tell women that are new that there are a few things you MUST do including:

  1. Learn how to brand yourself
  2. Marketing yourself is a MUST
  3. Marketing digital

These 3 go hand in hand, and if you can brand yourself and give others something to remember you by, you are halfway there already! Marketing yourself is simple in the digital world, and yes you can do it for less than you would a traditional business!

Stay at home moms going back to work don’t need to feel as though their time is up, or that they can’t do it! Be encouraged, I can train you on everything! In fact, if you want to learn how the six figure earners do it, then feel free to ACCESS this 7 Day Bootcamp for FREE from the Six Figure Mentors!

You need only to be ready to learn!

Are you ready to learn how to work from home?

If you are ready to learn how you can become one of the “stay at home moms going back to work” that can work from home, then go HERE now to learn more!

June 10th, 2013

Marketing on a Budget? Some Tips for Starting Out!

Marketing on a budget can be trying, but it’s also wise to know where you stand before you start building a marketing campaign for your new business. If you are new to the idea of an online business just remember, there are tons of tools and resources that you can use online that won’t cost you a dime! That is the best part about marketing your business using the internet!

Whether you own a business now or you have been considering starting your business online, it’s important you learn how to market in this Digital Age that we have entered. While you may find that it’s frustrating in the beginning, I can assure you I went through this and I made it onto the other side successfully! There are days that you will feel like quitting and giving up, but at the end of it all, you’ll find that you were better off having experienced challenges.

Those that are most successful in life and in business are simply willing to fail more often. So, how you can you start marketing on a budget? I am going to share with you how you can do this, so be sure to read this article all the way through to the end to learn how you can become fully aware of how you can become a six figure earner and build a business with the right community!

marketing on a budget

How to Start Marketing on a Budget

If you are just starting out your home business, you are no doubt looking for more information on how you can best market on a dime. You probably found this article as a result of your search, but you just aren’t sure where to start.

There are a few questions I ask before people start building a home business:

  1. What are you passionate about?
  2. What would you do even if you never got paid for it?
  3. Are you tired of looking for work and you can’t find it?

These are all important questions, and you MUST ask them before you even ask, “What is a marketing campaign?” The campaign is all secondary, because not knowing who you are marketing too is problematic.

While you might have read blogs about sitting around and earning piles of cash without doing anything, I’m here to tell you it just doesn’t work that way. So before you get too carried away, ask the above questions before you do anything else.

Once you answer the questions, then consider that the internet is the endless playground where you can find just about anything you want information on. That is your cue to market online, where you can put your name and product in front of millions! Make sense?

Many professional women in business have learned this, and as a result it’s smart to market online. This makes marketing on a budget easier than ever, so that is great news! So, what is the first thing you do?

Put up a website, and then put up a blog. Done. 🙂

Is Marketing on a Budget Difficult with Online Tools? Let’s Define it!

Okay, now that you know the first two steps, what is your digital marketing definition?

If you aren’t sure, then think about the fact that a website is now the core of your business. Yep, things are changing. The proverbial newspaper ad won’t work anymore, and it’s going away completely. Marketing via print has gone cold, and that is why social media and blogging is taking over.

Marketing on a budget is easier than ever, but you need to have some direction in order to do it right. This is why a website is so important; you need to direct people to it and you can do that all on your own for free.

You can easily sign up for a WordPress site for free, and start putting it together on your own without actually buying a theme. You can wait until later to do that if you don’t have the money to invest right now. In fact. stay at home moms going back to work are discovering that they can market online, and do so by blogging each day with the small amount of time they have. Believe me I know all about it!

Not to mention that I have a place you can go to learn how to brand yourself, and where you can learn more about marketing yourself too! There is no doubt that things have changed, and I can help.

Would you like to learn more about marketing digital? If so, I am here to give you complete ACCESS for FREE to the Six Figure Mentors  7 day marketing bootcamp so that you can learn more about what you can do and how to do it so that you can build your online platform starting TODAY!

If you would like to learn more about “marketing on a budget”, and how you can earn six figures within a year or less, then go HERE now to access this AMAZING 7 day marketing bootcamp for FREE!

June 8th, 2013

Digital Marketing Definition-What Does This Mean for Your Home Business?

Is there a digital marketing definition? Truly, if you are new to the land of digital age,  you might be curious just what the world of digital marketing can do for you. The great news is that now is the time to focus on growing your business to the level you want to grow it.

If you are curious of how to start and what to do first, or if you have recently started building your home business and you can’t seem to figure out how you can make it all come together, then don’t fear. The truth is you just need the right mentors to help you get started so that you can hear first hand what they did to become successful and change the landscape of how online marketing should be done.

So, if you are seeking the true digital marketing definition, then keep reading to get the answers you need and for more information at the end on how you can become part of a community of people that will help you from A to Z!

digital marketing definition

What do most network marketing companies want you to know?

What is Your Digital Marketing Definition?

If you were to try and provide your own digital marketing definition, what would you say? Would you say that you can easily build your own marketing campaign with your website and blog? Or, would you think it sounds crazy?

Believe it or not, the way you market your business has changed, no matter what business you are in. The tools that you have at your fingertips are endless, and now include a new list like:

  1. Social media
  2. Website
  3. Forums
  4. Webinars
  5. Email marketing
  6. PPC or Pay Per Click Advertising

It’s quite a change from the days of newspaper, but take heart; it’s not as difficult as you think it is. If there are people making $100k online, you can too. This is why I first started researching how to make money online. I knew that there had to be a way if others were doing it, it was perhaps my process that wasn’t working.

This is why so many professional women in business I know are switching to Facebook and article marketing for their business strategy. It’s not just what they are choosing to do it’s how they do it. What is a marketing campaign? It’s a campaign that consists of various marketing methods, but within that you can also have your very own digital marketing campaign by itself.

The best part about this new style of marketing is that the overhead is minimal, which means that if you are marketing on a budget you can easily get started for very little investment, and there are plenty of people out there that can mentor you along the way. This is why I am offering my personal coaching for you, so that I can share with you what I have learned, and what can be easily duplicated for your success!

A New Digital Marketing Definition is Here to Stay!

While many are questioning this new digital marketing definition it’s here to stay. There is no doubt that without an online presence that you wouldn’t be able to reach the number of people or the right audience that you wish to reach. The truth is, all you need to do is learn how to brand yourself and give your audience something to identify with and remember you by.

Marketing yourself is so important these days, and it can help you form your own digital marketing definition that you need to solidify so that you can build your very own schedule for marketing with written content and video.

Do you need to learn the early stages of marketing digital? Are you uncertain of where to start? If you need to learn what the “digital marketing definition” really is, then go HERE now to learn how we can help you today!

PS-Did you know that there is a 7 day Marketing Bootcamp that you can sign up for today to help you start marketing in the Digital Age? You will learn everything you need to know so that you can become a Six Figure earner in less than a year! Be sure to get access to your FREE Marketing BOOTCAMP HERE  NOW! 

June 6th, 2013

Professional Women in Business-This is How We Do it!

Are you one of the many professional women in business that is unsatisifed with her lot in life? Maybe not your lot in life but perhaps it’s your job that you are unsatisfied with. Could that be it? I hear you! You may like what you do, but if you are NOT passionate about it, you can still be completely unsatisfied with your job. Is it time for something new?

What if I told you that you could easily start your own business and work that business from home? If you have heard the digital marketing definition then you know that all things are possible if you want to work from home and care for your family all while you earn an income while working from home.

So, what is the key to making money from home? The first part, and yes the key is just deciding that this is what you are going to do, no doubt about it. I am going to share with you how how you to brand yourself, and how you can take your computer and turn it into a cash machine, even if you have NEVER done this before! If you are one of the many professional women in business, get ready to be pleasantly surprised at what you can do!

professional women in business

What marketing techniques are you using to make yourself stand out?

Professional Women in Business Begin Again

If you are like me, as a woman you believed that your sole purpose in life was to grow up, going to college, meet someone, get married, and have a family. While it all sounds so wonderful and so simple, things change. Many of you have gone to college and gotten your degree, but yet you hate what you do.

There are many professional women in business I meet that have been in the same job for 10 years or more, but they don’t make anymore than they did 5 years ago, raises have stopped, and they no longer get health insurance. So, what do they do when things get tough?

It’s time to take matters into your own hands and learn a few things including:

  1. What is a marketing campaing?
  2. How to build a marketing campaign online to jumpstart your business
  3. What doest marketing digital mean?

There are also many other concerns most of which are nestled in the reality of a startup budget and how to market on a shoestring. So, how do you even begin to set up marketing on a budget? You could easily control the budget when it comes to the following:

  1. Facebook ads
  2. Pay per click and pay per view
  3. Post promotion
  4. Free outlets like Twitter as a microblogging site
  5. Pinterest boards for free
  6. and more!

These things exist, and there are plenty of free tools and resources for you to use online. While they are still there, take advantage of them! What else do you really need to know? There is something to be said for joining a community of likeminded women that are professionals or that long to be but are just starting out.

Remember, be easy on yourself ladies, if you are new to marketing online this is just the beginning. What are you waiting for? It’s time for all of us to get moving and support other professional women in business, collaborate and bring ideas to fruition.

If you are ready to be one of the next “professional women in business” for herself, then go HERE now to learn what your next step is!