Posts Tagged ‘Entrepreneurship’


July 24th, 2012

What Color is Your Parachute? Are You Satisfied?

What color is your parachute?

Yes, it's a fantastic book title, just in case you weren't sure where that came from. Believe it or not, the book isn't about parachutes either.

The book is about creating a life that comes from knowing what you were meant to do by identifying your gifts and talents. There is plenty to be said for being able to identify those because some don't ever get to that point in their life.

what color is your parachute

Black parachute landing!

What Color is Your Parachute? It's Not About How Fast You Get There!

What color is your parachute?

Color really won't matter, as long as you take the right steps to get there, right? It's all about enjoying the journey because that is how you get to where you are going. Oftentimes in life, we believe that whoever gets there the fastest is the one who wins and has the most satisfaction in life.

However, that is anything but true. You should know that you can get there faster if you have a plan in place, and that plan includes being real with yourself about where you are, where you want to go, and how you plan to get there.

So, one of the first questions I have for you is, “Are you happy?”

That question is so important to ask, and if you can ask yourself that and give yourself and honest answer, then you will be two steps ahead of the game in life.

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9″ title=”What Color is Your Parachute? Defining the book ” target=”_blank”>entrepreneurship. If you are unhappy with where you are working and what you do for a living, then maybe you need to take an inventory of your gifts and talents to see what you could contribute to society.

Working for you could be the thing you need to do!

what color is your parachute

Parachutists landing all at once!

What Color is Your Parachute if You Are an Entrepreneur?

What color is your parachute if you work for you?

That is a great question, because most identifying factors in the book work great, but most of us would look at it from the perspective of identifying those things as signs of qualities we need to go and apply for another job.

Remember, it's not about whether or not we can work for someone else, but it's about working for us. We want to do something that we are passionate about, and it's not wrong to enjoy your work.

After all, it has been said that it shouldn't feel like work, right?

If you have been able to achieve this feeling in your lifetime then you have been able to achieve true happiness! You can enjoy what you do, and it isn't wrong that you can make a living doing it too!

Do you sense that it's time for a change? Do you often see that you are not being treated fairly at your job? It might be time for you to take massive action and learn more about starting your own online business.

What if I told you that you could do this with less headaches and less effort than you put out for someone else? Would you do it?

Where do you start? CLICK HERE now, and you will learn why it's important to ask what color is your parachute!


January 17th, 2012

Simple Tips And Strategies For Article Marketing To Make Money Online In A Home Based Business

Article marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote any website, bus

iness or blog. To get great traffic and rank highly on search engines particularly when you want to make money online in a home based business, you need the benefit of some great tips and strategies to use in your article marketing to help you on your way.

Although many strategies exist, one which is an absolute must as a starting point, is researching keywords or keyphrases as they are also known, and these should be included in your articles. A keyword or keyphrase can be just one word or several words in length but not longer than a sentence.

Let me just take you back to a year or so ago to when I used to work in a traditional job working in a college. I loved it and thought that’s how my life would be forever but due to the desperate economic climate affecting most parts of the world and like so many thousands before me, I was made redundant and needed to find alternative work. That’s when I turned to the Internet and decided to work from home and work online. As it turned out, being made redundant, although terrible at the time, has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Until that point, I’d never known anything about keyword research before. Never had any need for it but all that’s changed now. It’s become a very necessary part of my daily routine and if you work online, maybe in an Internet marketing business or another type of Internet business, then a brilliant strategy to use is article marketing as it’s so effective in driving visitors to your site.

Finding the right keywords for your articles is absolutely crucial because they are the foundation on which the whole article rests and if not done correctly, will affect the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

Most people go to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing when looking for products and services. Keyword research indicates what words or phrases people are using to search for products or services in your particular niche.

There are several tools which can be used to conduct effective keyword research and one of these is the Google Keyword Tool. This is a great one to use because it shows what terms people have used to search for keywords on the Google search engine and it’s completely free to use. To get the most out of this tool, it’s best to make use of keywords which have very little competition.

Once you’ve completed your research and the keywords have been identified, go ahead and write your article and make it interesting and educational to the reader. Preferably both but make sure you incorporate your keyword in the both the title and the article or nobody will be able to find your article. Once your article is complete, submit it to to obtain their approval.

Conducting accurate keyword research is the foundation of the entire marketing strategy. If you don’t get your keyword research right, nobody is going to be able to find your articles and you will have wasted your time and effort. Get your keyword research right and you’ll find your article will show up in the right places. It will get your website and business known by those who already want to buy from you through these proven methods.

So if you want to make money online in a home based business and you implement these tips into your article marketing, you’ll soon get your target market reading your articles. Who knows, you may get lots of positive feedback and comments to them on your blog too. This is very rewarding and will spur you on to write more articles for certain. I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavours. If you’ve found my post useful, I’d be grateful if you’d share it with your friends and leave me some comments. Thanks!