Posts Tagged ‘attraction marketing’


July 3rd, 2013

Effective Communication in Business

Effective communication means you are getting through, but if you had a conversation with a prospect that just didn’t seem to take, I totally get it. It seems that with online marketing you try to get your point across via phone or webinar and it still doesn’t sink in!

The good news is that if you are telling them the right things, you are still doing great. They have to choose to listen, so there isn’t much you can do there. However, you should know that communication is still the key to making your business work. This includes how you communicate with everyone from your prospects to teammates, and even retail customers if you have them.

So, how you can communicate effectively, with everyone, all of the time? Is there a way to get through to your prospects, customers, and your teammates without pulling your hair out and working around the clock? Yes, there is!

I am going ot share with you how you can easily communicate with everyone in your niche market, everytime, while working smarter NOT harder!

effective communication

Effective Communication? What’s That?

If you have ever had a discussion, and later it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding, you are NOT alone. This happens so often, and it’s amazing how often this happens when marketers are talking to prospects. Let me tell you a story.

I went to an event that was rather exciting, and it was for a new company that was ablaze with excitement for many reasons. Some of the top marketers in the industry had joined, and it was growing quickly. I was excited too, but along the way, I knew I needed to stay grounded and focus more on leading with value than anything else.

In the background, I could overhear a portion of a conversation that went something like this:

“This system is so easy, you could make money with it in 24 hours. A 12 year old can do this, you’ll make thousands fast.”

Not that I dispel that, or that it isn’t possible, but leading with that information leads people astray. This is NOT an example of effective communication at all. Although it’s a causal conversation, it’s a HUGE miscommunication in recruiting in it’s biggest form.  This conversation conveyed many messages to me including:

  1. Money is more important
  2. Teaching isn’t necessary to recruit
  3. Leading with value isn’t critical
  4. Telling someone something just to get someone in and hope the system sells itself is okay

Wrong on all counts, a total failure. This is why leading with value is so critical because this happens on a daily basis. This is why so many end up chasing friends and family, and ultimately they end up working out of desperation. If we want long term success, don’t you think that we should handle prospecting with care?

Sometimes it’s the message that is true, but the delivery can be quite poor. In this story, it’s very poor. How can you change this conversation into a good example of effective communication to become a positive prospecting experience?

How Effective Communication Can Help You Grow Your Business

While communication skills seem to be a lost art, they are MUCH needed to grow our businesses. In fact, I would say that the ability to communicate effectively is often last on the “to do” list of most marketers. Where does it fall on your list of things that are important?

Whether you are prospecting, training via a webinar, or even at a networking event, how you communicate is so important. Your body language can speak just as loud as your words, and it’s important that you work at this through your lifelong career and personally for the sake of your relationships with friends and family.

I hope that you found this article helpful, and that you are able to make great strides with both friends and family and in your business. If you would like to learn more about the effective communication skills of the six figure mentors I work with, just go HERE right now to get access to your FREE 7 day BOOTCAMP!

September 11th, 2012

Useless Information Won't Work for Attraction Marketing!

Have you ever come across someone that worked a home based business and all they offered up was useless information?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I do it all the time, and I think, “Gee, you could really benefit from my marketing training!” I learn from the best,and what I know to be true is this; you can have what the heavy hitters have, BUT you have to do the work first.

Value MUST be created before anything else can be done, plain and simple.

useless information

Do you get frustrated when all you get is useless information?

Have You Ever Felt Like You Were Getting Useless Information?

Oftentimes it may feel as though the information you are getting isn't what you asked for and that it's useless. You might have even signed up for something that you wanted to learn more about, yet no one could tell you what it really meant or how it was going to benefit you.

When people you are following and look up to give you useless information you will know, and it will cause you to lose respect for them. Those of you reading this that are in the network marketing industry know exactly what I am talking about.

Let me give you a really good example. You are sponsored into an MLM opportunity by someone who is having success. Once you get into the business you love it, and while you respect the person that sponsored you, you feel you aren't getting what you really need from them to excel.

You get a lot of hype. You see a lot of hype on their Facebook page,

and on and on it goes. All of this useless information and garbage isn't doing anything for them or for you. So, what do you do? How do you overcome that and take away what matters?

Ah, it's merely a matter of research, trial and error, testing, and testing again, and then once you master something and have success with it, you DUPLICATE it.

`useless information

Useless information doesn't help you earn money!

Don't Provide Useless Information to Others if You Want Them to Join You

So, now that you know what it's like to get useless information, and how much you hate it, don't give that to someone else. Remember, you will attract what you put out there, and it does surprise me how poor marketers get traffic in the first place.

Don't follow what everyone else does. Choose to live a life of excellence, and be sure your business follows suit. Make sense? Settling for a better business will get you in trouble every time.

Also, be sure you remember that useless information isn't going to grow your business any further, so invest time wisely. If you struggle, then you need to team up with people like me that work with leaders that are making six and seven figures, as well as those that have been in the industry for many years.

Attend workshops and seminars when you can, because you will get anything but “useless information” there!

If you want to learn how I provide value, and you are tired of getting useless information from the people you work with or have worked with in the past, then CLICK HERE now!
