June 2011 – Out with my family
Here are a couple of family pictures taken on the Canal Banks (Grand Western Canal) with my mum Andy, husband Hugh, daughter Jess and grandson Max recently with our Border Collie Ben. We live in a Village called Halberton, near Tiverton in a beautiful part of Devon, England and this is a very special place for us to bring mum. This is just a short walk from our home.
Mum grew up in Halberton, so did previous generations of her family and Jess and I have too! Mum’s always been a very active person all her life but she’s got Parkinsons and Lewy Body disease and these days she has to go in a wheelchair. She can’t walk unaided and we try and get her out of her wheelchair and she can manage a few steps with lots of help. We try and get her up on the banks every day if we can. She loves it. So do we.
There is also a picture of Hugh’s family from West Devon. We had Sunday Lunch with his sister Juliet and his dad Julian today, Sunday 26th June 2011. It has been a really lovely day.
Saturday 9th April 2011 – London, England
Lindsey finally Graduated at the grand old age of ?????? on Saturday 9th April 2011.
Members Of My Family Gathered For Sunday Lunch on 4th September 2011

Family Came For Lunch On Sunday 4th September 2011
My eldest daughter Ali came over from New York for a week so family members gathered at our home for a traditional roast beef Sunday lunch. Her favourite.
We don’t get to see her very often so it was a real treat.
Missing from the picture is Ali’s younger sister Jess. She had to go out for the afternoon practicing for her part in a Willow Tree Production this Christmas.
Jess is 12, soon to be 13 and would have loved to be with her sisters and brothers for what was a fun afternoon.
Also in the picture is my mum Andy and my grandson Max.