Archive for the ‘Home Business Opportunities’ Category


July 8th, 2013

The Beginning for New Marketers-The Starting Point for Your New Business

The beginning of a new business venture can be the toughest place for any new marketer, do you agree? I find that this is because most marketers, even when they have experience aren’t sure where to start. In the Digital Age, it’s much easier.

You see, it’s not about having incredible business acumen, althought that is helpful. This is about realizing that the best way to market to people is by telling them stories. In fact, I am so confident about this, I am going to ask you to do something for me. Close your eyes, and think back to the last item you purchased. What comes to mind first?

I’m sure that if you give it enough thought, you’ll discover that not only did you buy it because there is a story behind it, but you are buying it because you like the story or you believe it. So, how do you tell a good story? How can you get people to believe that what you say is true?

It’s not about the trying, but it’s about creating stories that align with their worldview. Remember the goal isn’t to change people, but to resonate with a specific audience. I’ll prove it.

the beginning

The Beginning is Always Tough

When I first decided to start my home based business, I remember thinking about spending more time with my invalid mum was all I wanted, and the ability to take care of my daughter. I wanted to be hands on and not hands off.

The beginning was a whirlwind of excitement and fear, thinking to myself, “What if this doesn’t work?” I then realized that I wasn’t alone, and that the only way to make this work was to just do it. I heard something that will stick with me forever, and it was this; “You don’t have to be GREAT to start, but you do have to start to be great!”


I realized that most marketers go through this Q&A type session in their head, just like I was. So, I knew what I had to do. I needed to identify my goals, what I wanted from life and then create the life I wanted by living it and working on my terms. Pretty simple eh?

Can you relate to this? If so, then you just related to “my story”, and now you understand what story telling can do for your business as you grow it. You have a beginning, and so do all of the other online marketers. You are NOT alone! It’s all about saying yes to yourself, and not teaching what you know. Those that have a similar worldview will not only appreciate you, but they will follow you. Now does this make sense to you?

The Beginning of Authenticity

One thing that I want to add for you today is that authenticity is so important in your business. You MUST be true to yourself and share FACTS not fiction. This means that you need to always give facts to your prospects  and readers, and that doesn’t mean that you have to tell them everything about you or your business.

However, you should never paint the picture that you are doing something you aren’t. If you aren’t making millions, don’t tell your prospects that! Be authentic at all times. Make sense? If you start in the beginning with lies, you’ll have to end it with lies and that isn’t what we are after here.

Are you ready to start your online business and start teaching others how to do the same? Do you have a story to tell but you aren’t sure where to start? If you need some help, and you want to learn  what is most important in “the beginning”, simply go HERE to learn more about the Six Figure Mentors started, and how we can help you to get there too!

May 27th, 2013

Easy Keyword Research

May 22nd, 2013

Mum Working From Home Explains How to Juggle Business and Family Responsibilities

Mum Working From HomeMum Working From Home Explains This Difficult Trade-Off


As a mum working from home, I’m no longer tied to a traditional job working for a boss. I’m no longer one of the millions who relies on someone else for their paycheck in an inflexible job leaving them with no time to look after themselves or their families.

My family, like most, needs lots of attention, and caring for my husband and daughter requires substantial time and effort. That’s not to mention our dog who needs his daily three mile run!

Fitting all my commitments and responsibilities around a full time job was nigh on impossible, leaving me feeling like a hamster on a treadmill going at an ever-increasing speed, powerless to stop. I’m sure this is a feeling many of you can sympathise with, and worst for me was not being around for my family when they needed it. Now I’m a mum working from home life is very different.

Mum Working From Home Is Finally Able To Live Her Life

Not even being able to take my daughter to school was something I hated, but now I’m my own boss and I’m a mum working from home I have the freedom to do as I please, which makes a huge difference to both my family and me!

Suddenly having all this freedom means you need to manage your time carefully and maintain motivation – I’ll be honest with you, it’s not easy! Try the following tips to ensure you remain on the right track and can make the most of working from home:

Mum Working From Home Explains What You Can Do About It

Prioritise: This is crucial, and one of the most simple ways of achieving this is by making a list. From menial daily tasks to important event-organising or similar, lists allow you stay on track and can stop you from waking up at night, suddenly worrying about something you’ve forgotten to do – unable to get back to sleep. Know the feeling?

Motivation: As mentioned earlier, when you’re working for yourself, motivation is one of the key ingredients for success. Only you can be responsible for this, so make sure you do all you can to put yourself in the right frame of mind. Keeping track of your goals and rewarding yourself when you meet them should keep you motivated.

Sleep: Countless tests have proven that sleeping enough improves concentration and work ethic no end. Know when it’s time to switch off and try to get yourself into a pattern. You’ll find yourself being far more productive and you’ll feel the benefits in everything you do.

Exercise: If you struggle getting out of bed, then perhaps this might not sound the best idea, but believe me – a brisk walk or jog for thirty minutes in the mornings really wakes you up and sets you up for your day. At first this will be hard, but after a while it’ll become second nature, and you may even come to enjoy it, while reaping the rewards at the same time.

Prepare: Planning in advance and setting out what you want to do will make you feel more productive, and if you feel productive then chances are you probably will be! This improves your motivation and the benefits are fantastic. Being a mum working from home requires huge amounts of planning!

Mum Working From Home – You Could Be One Too!

If you want to see what it is I do from home, click on this link – it will take you to a series of FREE marketing bootcamp videos where you’ll find out if being a mum working from home will suit you too!

September 13th, 2012

How to Make Money During a Recession

If you are like most people today, you are wondering how to make money during a recession. It's true that right now we are in a difficult time and there is no doubt that it's worth trying to come up with a better plan if there is one.

Truth be told, most people are just feeling completely helpless right now, and until they learn that working from home is ideal and CAN be done, things won't change too much.

I want to share with you how I know it's possible, what I know to be true, and the vision that I see to helping you make it happen.

how  to make money

Learn how to make money in a recession

Learn How to Make Money by Being Resourceful

At the end of the day, it all goes back to one thing, and that is being resourceful. I can't imagine that there is any other way to change your life than to tap into your own greatness.

The challenge is that many people just don't see it that way. They think that they have to go and learn from someone else, when really all they need to do is tap into the gifts and talents that they have right now and make it work.

There is nothing wrong with emulating someone who is more skilled than you, or someone that has tremendous success. However, keep in mind that it all comes down to one thing, and that is you MUST put the time in to make it work anyhow. No one else is going to make things a success for you but you.

If it helps, sit down, and start making a list of your gifts and talents, and then you need to really take a good look at your life. Talk to those you trust, and those closest to you to really help you

determine what needs work and what is just fine and in working order.

If you want to learn how to make money and make more of it, then you need to learn from those that have been successful and have become leaders in your industry. That will help you tremendously, I promise.

how to make money

Learn how to make money by emulating those that are successful in your industry

Learn How to Make Money by Working at Mastering Your Craft Everyday

In order to learn how to make money, it's best that you focus on mastering your craft. If you don't intend to be great at what you do and just be good at what you do, then don't focus too much.

Honestly, those who make the most money are those that work the hardest at learning from those that are successful, and those that tap into their true gifts and talents. Why try to do or be something that you are NOT? It doesn't work that way, and worst of all it's only going to slow you down when you have ZERO passion for what you do.

It's time to change your life so you can change your mindset, and learn how to make money without working for someone else and being unhappy.

If you want to know more about “how to make money”, and how you can get started just like I did by tapping into your gifts and talents, and working from home, then CLICK HERE now!


July 24th, 2012

What Color is Your Parachute? Are You Satisfied?

What color is your parachute?

Yes, it's a fantastic book title, just in case you weren't sure where that came from. Believe it or not, the book isn't about parachutes either.

The book is about creating a life that comes from knowing what you were meant to do by identifying your gifts and talents. There is plenty to be said for being able to identify those because some don't ever get to that point in their life.

what color is your parachute

Black parachute landing!

What Color is Your Parachute? It's Not About How Fast You Get There!

What color is your parachute?

Color really won't matter, as long as you take the right steps to get there, right? It's all about enjoying the journey because that is how you get to where you are going. Oftentimes in life, we believe that whoever gets there the fastest is the one who wins and has the most satisfaction in life.

However, that is anything but true. You should know that you can get there faster if you have a plan in place, and that plan includes being real with yourself about where you are, where you want to go, and how you plan to get there.

So, one of the first questions I have for you is, “Are you happy?”

That question is so important to ask, and if you can ask yourself that and give yourself and honest answer, then you will be two steps ahead of the game in life.

This is what I like to call a quiz on canadian pharmacy cialis

9″ title=”What Color is Your Parachute? Defining the book ” target=”_blank”>entrepreneurship. If you are unhappy with where you are working and what you do for a living, then maybe you need to take an inventory of your gifts and talents to see what you could contribute to society.

Working for you could be the thing you need to do!

what color is your parachute

Parachutists landing all at once!

What Color is Your Parachute if You Are an Entrepreneur?

What color is your parachute if you work for you?

That is a great question, because most identifying factors in the book work great, but most of us would look at it from the perspective of identifying those things as signs of qualities we need to go and apply for another job.

Remember, it's not about whether or not we can work for someone else, but it's about working for us. We want to do something that we are passionate about, and it's not wrong to enjoy your work.

After all, it has been said that it shouldn't feel like work, right?

If you have been able to achieve this feeling in your lifetime then you have been able to achieve true happiness! You can enjoy what you do, and it isn't wrong that you can make a living doing it too!

Do you sense that it's time for a change? Do you often see that you are not being treated fairly at your job? It might be time for you to take massive action and learn more about starting your own online business.

What if I told you that you could do this with less headaches and less effort than you put out for someone else? Would you do it?

Where do you start? CLICK HERE now, and you will learn why it's important to ask what color is your parachute!


July 19th, 2012

5 Practical Hints for Setting Up an Online Business from a Woman Working from Home

Crucial Tips from a Woman Working from Home

Let’s not beat about the bush here, setting up your own online business can seem a challenge at first, but sometimes you get to a stage in your life where you need a new start and a new direction. This is where I was just a few years ago and what a change to my life it has made!

Once you’ve made the decision to pursue the lucrative world of online business, then, though it might seem obvious, you have to decide how you’re going to achieve this and what it is that you have to offer! A woman working from home (or man for that matter!) must have some kind of focus, something to sell.

Are you familiar with Internet Marketing? If not, it’ll become integral to your business, because if you are to sell anything to anyone, then people have to know about your products or services. Without Internet Marketing, how will anyone know to visit your site?

Just what is happening here then? Allow this woman working from home to explain

Picture the scene: you run a shop on the High Street and every day you open your doors, you’re hoping you’ll see a sudden influx of customers. However, you and I both know this won’t be the case! It’s no use just sitting there waiting for customers, you have to work, you have to entice them in! A woman working from home has no choice but to be proactive 🙂

The Internet is just a big high street! And by big, I mean very big. Over two billion people search the web daily on the hunt for goods and services, and it’s up to you to ensure that your customers can find you! An online presence is crucial to your success, and it’s important that everything is polished and attracts potential customers or clients!

So what do you have to do?

  1. Tools – Ensure you have working, relevant equipment! Too much unnecessary equipment can be just as unhelpful as something that packs up on you as you start to use it. Shop around – there are countless deals on computers and Internet connections, so make sure you’re not duped. I’m a MacBook Pro user having used a PC for years. However, I’m well and truly converted!
  2. Workspace – Everyone knows that distractions can be disastrous for working, so make sure you have somewhere private where you can get on with your work! Set some ground rules so your family know to leave you in peace.
  3. Allocate Time – Juggling a family life with your business can be difficult at times so ensure that you plan your time well! Remember, you are now your own boss, so you have the freedom to do as you please! Furthermore, you’re not restricted to working during ‘normal’ hours. If your life dictates that it’s better to work late at night, or perhaps you even function better at that time, then go for it – you can now!
  4. Perseverance & Discipline – You’ll need both in running your own business! Not everything will go your way all the time, so stick at it when times get tough, and try to discipline yourself to have a good work ethic and to do so regularly! Motivation is key here.
  5. Focus and Goals – Setting yourself realistic but worthwhile goals will keep you on track and make you feel good about yourself when you achieve them! Focusing on something means you’ll be more productive, and the end product will be better still.

I’m a woman working from home and these five tips have helped me so much – allow them to help you too!

July 8th, 2012

Highest Paying Jobs are for Entrepreneurs!

Have you ever wondered what the highest paying jobs are?

I have many times only to discover that it’s really all about being an entrepreneur. It has been said that working for someone else doesn’t reap the same benefits that you can get when working for yourself.

Because I stepped out and took that journey I am now convinced it’s the truth! I want to share with you why being an entrepreneur and starting and online business is truly one of the highest paying jobs that exist today!

highest paying jobs

highest paying jobs

Are the Highest Paying Jobs in Corporate Settings?

Do you believe that the highest paying jobs are in the corporate world?

I did until I met people that knew something about building an online business. I listened, learned from them by watching what they were doing, and I realized that I could do it too.

The challenge for most people is that they don’t believe that they can do these things on their own, and so they end up working for so many others first. What happens? They get excited about the prospect of a new job or career, the company they are working with, and then they end up working 80 hour weeks.

The rat race begins as they take on the excitement of this new venture, and in the end what they end up doing is working more for the same amount of money believing that thy will get a raise if they continue to work harder.

The reality is that it will come to an end, but initially they don’t realize this. So, yet after all the time spent working and worrying about pleasing a boss that believes you are expendable, you are soon disenchanted if not out the door soon because you hate every minute of it or they fire you.

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highest paying jobs

The Highest Paying Jobs are for Online Marketers!

Did you know that the highest paying jobs today are going to online marketers?

There was a ton of doubt in my mind when I first started my journey to learn more about online marketing and how it worked.

Initially, there was so much information it was overwhelming but it just took time to go through it all piece by piece and it was no doubt confusing at times too, but I knew then that I wanted to give it a shot.

The power of the internet is there no matter what your product or service you offer, but it’s essential to use it to get in front of as many as prospects as possible and stay in front of them. Think about what sites like Amazon and eBay have done; and just think you could do the same.

Even if you choose network marketing you could be marketing online to promote your product or service and you will ultimately capture more retail sales and build a team in that way too. Can you say amazing?

Another thing to consider is that most network marketing companies now offer pre-made websites so that you don’t have to do it all on your own. The key to marketing online is that you just DECIDE to START.

Sure, there are many things that you can do to market, but just remember it’s all about taking it one day at a time.

While the highest paying jobs are online and the world laughs at what you do and how you do it, just remember that it isn’t often that the highest paying jobs go to the doubtful and lazy!

Don’t expect to get rich overnight, but you should know that the highest paying jobs won’t come from working for someone else.

If you want more information on the highest paying jobs that are available online and how to get plugged into them, then CLICK HERE now!

Raspberry Ketone Diet Program

July 2nd, 2012

Make Money Online While You Sleep!

Did you know that you can make money online while you sleep?

You are probably wondering how in the world that is really possible. I know you think it sounds crazy, but at the end of the day wouldn’t you rather be sitting at home in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers, sipping coffee, and watching the news rather than rushing off to work?

I know I perked up and gained interest when I heard all about it! This is why I want to share with you how I did it, why I did it, and why I am so diligent every day to work my business from home and make it happen. Are you ready to learn how to make money online?

make money online

make money online

How You Can Make Money Online

If you really have an interest in how you can make money online, then read this ENTIRE article all the way to the end.

What I am going to share with you is paramount simply because it will surprise you how easy it really is. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you DON’T have to work, but you won’t be working for the good of someone else’s pocket.

With that being said, even if you are working for someone else right now, how happy are you? Are you being paid what you are worth? If not then let me just say that starting an online business is a great way to do this.

There are several options that you can choose from if you want to make money online including:

Starting an online boutique with handmade clothing and handbags

Starting an eBay store

Selling hand-painted pet food bowls

Doing affiliate marketing for online or brick and mortar retailers with an online presence

Marketing your network marketing business online

And much more!

With so many options for starting an online business, it makes you wonder why there are millions of people that haven’t done it yet.

It isn’t always easy, but there are some simple principles that you can follow to grow your online business so that you are most certainly profitable!

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make money online with seo

Use SEO to Make Money Online

Did you know that there are also some free methods by which you can start to make money online?

It’s simple, and it’s really NOT a secret. The reality is that there are so many people that don’t know about it because they choose to shut out what they don’t understand initially. Don’t be one of these people!

I didn’t understand it at first either, but after reading and researching I soon discovered that you could make money online and with some tips and tricks you could easily promote yourself. Have you ever heard of SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization is what you use in order to promote yourself online. It’s simple really; you need to use targeted keywords that people are searching for in order to attract readership to your website.

Remember, the idea is to have people looking for you, NOT the other way around. This is because you can find almost ANYTHING online these days, and that means that you WANT them to find you! So, how does this happen so fast? Through blogging!

How to Make Money Online with Blogging

You probably found this very article because you wanted to learn more about how to make money online, and you came to the right place!

So, I want to share with you how you can make money online with blogging. Personally, I use the Empower Network, and that is because it’s built on the WordPress platform. WordPress is SEO friendly, and that means that when you use targeted keywords and a simple SEO blueprint that you can easily drive traffic to your blog, thus driving traffic to your authority site.

The other great thing that you need to know about the Empower Network is that anyone can join, and it’s so easy that even a 12 year old could do it. Sounds good eh?

I think so, and the best part is that you can promote not only your network marketing business, but you can promote the Empower Network as an affiliate product too. This means that you can market Empower Network and make commissions from the sales of those who join you.

Make sense?

You can get started today, and I can teach you everything you need to know in order to make money online. The best part is that we have a whole community that will be supportive, and help teach you anything that you need to learn along the way.

If you want to learn how to make money online, and you like the idea of making money while in your pajamas, then CLICK HERE to work with me NOW!


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May 17th, 2012

Internet Entrepreneurship – My 10 Top Tips To Keep You On Track

Internet Entrepreneurship – It’s An Exciting Journey

Internet EntrepreneurshipThe journey to Internet entrepreneurship is very rewarding, challenging too and I’ll be the first to admit that I sometimes find it difficult to keep on top of everything, so I have to be disciplined and I’ve had to develop habits.

We all tend to procrastinate (even if we think we don’t) and if you can successfully have your own daily routine that becomes habitual, you’ll achieve much more and remaining focused will become easier.

I work from home and have a family to look after and in addition we care for my elderly invalid mum Andy. Mustn’t forget our border collie Ben too. Life is hectic and this can often mean that I have a thousand things on my mind  and when I’m working, I can almost guarantee that someone will want me for something.

I’ve learnt how best I can really crack on and focus and I hope my tips will help you too.

The absolute key is to develop habits for your daily routines and when your daily tasks become habits, you will find them all a whole lot easier to do. Might take a month of hard slog to get into those habits, and make no mistake, you’ll resist, but once you do develop habits for these daily actions, you’ll be raring to go, motivated and productive!

1. Internet Entrepreneurship – Start With Enough Sleep 

Sorry for stating the obvious but you have to get enough sleep in order to cope with the demands on your own journey to Internet entrepreneurship. It’s essential and without enough sleep, you’ll really struggle. I know from my own experiences only too well what an impact lack of sleep has. During the first eighteen months in my own business, I was working late several nights of the week (largely due to my family and caring duties by day) very often until 1 or 2 am then getting up at 7am. Not a good idea in the long run. Take it from me. Only you know how much sleep you need so just make sure you get it.

2. Internet Entrepreneurship – Exercise

Start your day with some exercise. Honestly, this will wake you right up and make you much more alert. Your energy levels get such a boost from exercise and you’ll be able to think better, feel better and you’ll get loads more done as a result. Try it, it works. I take Ben every morning for his walk up on the Canal Banks near my home (here, take a look) and it’s the best start to my day for sure. Wouldn’t miss it for anything!

3. Internet Entrepreneurship – You Need Energy

Take food and drink into your office with you. If I’m hungry or thirsty, I can’t concentrate properly then my focus is gone. Worse if I get low blood sugar and feel weak and shaky (know the feeling?). Then nothing gets done. Take enough to keep you going while you intend to work. Don’t keep flitting in and out of your office to the kitchen, that just wastes time and allows you more time to procrastinate! Not good for productivity!

4. Internet Entrepreneurship – ‘Do Not Disturb’ 

It’s really frustrating when you can’t work in peace and quiet so make sure your family and friends know that they mustn’t disturb you when you’re working. Great if you have an office, just shut the door and keep it shut. Tell them it’s important not to disturb you. After all, they stand to benefit when you really get to grips and master Internet entrepreneurship.

5. Internet Entrepreneurship – Switch off all gadgets and distractions

Don’t idle away time by flicking through emails, chatting on Skype or browsing the social networks. Turn off your phone (or at least put it on silent), switch your Skype profile to away (busy tends to be ignored!) and close Facebook and Twitter. Those of us who say we can multitask will quickly find ourselves coming undone when it comes to these. You just have to be disciplined about this.

6. Internet Entrepreneurship – Clear your work area

It’s very simple really, you’ll get a lot more done if you aren’t working in a huge mess. Tidy up at night, ready for the next day and keep it that way. This helps you to stay organised. Remember, if you work in a muddle, your thoughts are going to be muddled too. I try and file all my papers away so I’ve got space to work and this ultimately helps me to think clearly.

7. Internet Entrepreneurship – Organise your work and prioritise

Allocate blocks of time to do specific tasks. Maybe you want to do your income producing activities first each day while you are fresh. That’s how I operate. Stop here for a moment and just ask yourself if you really know what your income producing activities are. The things you do that will advance your business and bring in customers. Then set a specific time aside for this and once they are done, you’ll feel great. You’ll feel like you achieved something. Also set aside time for emails and all the other daily tasks associated with running a business. You can catch up with your social media once the priorities are out of the way.

8. Internet Entrepreneurship – I keep lists 

I don’t know how I’d cope without my lists. I have lists for my work, my family life, shopping, you name it, there’s a list for it. Because I commit everything to a list, nothing is forgotten so I work more efficiently (you’d be surprised at how much more you can get done this way) and what’s brilliant is that you can sleep at night because you can tell your brain you don’t have to worry about forgetting something. It’s just a psychological thing, once it’s on a list your brain can switch off and think about other important stuff or just wind down if it’s bedtime. It works, try it.

9. Internet Entrepreneurship – Personal development

It’s really important to commit to personal development each day, even it it’s only thirty minutes. Make sure you schedule some training in. There’s so much to learn in the world of Internet entrepreneurship and unless you are consistently keeping abreast of what’s happening or the latest developments etc you’ll never keep up with it. If you aren’t learning on a regular basis you are stagnating and that isn’t going to be good for your business in the long run.

10. Internet Entrepreneurship – Mindset training

Mega important, this one. If you want to be successful in your business, you MUST have the right mindset to go with it. Successful people tend to think in similar ways. I really advise you to go and start reading some books or listen to audios, maybe watch videos on YouTube. I’m reading the book ‘Think & Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill and it gives you the formula that successful business leaders have used over centuries. It will help you to think differently for sure.

So that’s it! A lot of these may seem surprisingly obvious, but I promise you, from personal experience on my own journey to Internet entrepreneurship, these daily actions have made all the difference to me. Realistically, the more you can apply as you get started, the better and the easier they will all become.

If you’d like to know more about the Internet business I run from home, just click here. It’s called PRO U and it’s an entrepreneurial mentorship programme where I’m being taught and mentored by the top earners of the company in Internet marketing, business and mindset skills. You can register for a FREE Internet Lifestyle Webinar hosted by the Founder Jay Kubassek. I met Jay recently at the PRO U Peak Mastermind event in Costa Rica in April 2012, click here to see more about the event and to get tips from Jay.

I have posted the video of Jay and I at the event below:

Jay explains how this is the best time to start your own business on the Internet due to the 4 trends affecting society (under-employment, massive shift in online purchasing, government debt and retirement of the baby boomers(those born between 1946 – 1964), causing what’s known as a Mega Trend). This is now and it’s affecting us all – this is why Internet entrepreneurship is the way to go!.

Best of luck! Lindsey 

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Posted in Financial Strategies Of The Rich, Home Business Opportunities, Marketing Strategies and Training, Work From Home | 394 Comments »

May 14th, 2012

Internet Entrepreneurship – Tips To Keep You Positive And Motivated

Internet Entrepreneurship – Are You On Your Own Journey?

Internet Entrepreneurship

Tap Into The Power Of Positive Thinking

Then a positive and motivated attitude is going to be essential to your success.

Are you a cup half empty or a cup half full person? Do you see the best or worst in a situation? Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

Have a think about it for a minute. Be honest with yourself. Do positive thoughts dominate your mind or do those negative ones creep in all too often? You might need to work on developing a mindset shift to a more positive one and my tips might help you do just that. Did you know that we have the power to influence our subconscious mind? Did you also know that our thoughts govern our actions?  So knowing that, you've got to do everything in your power to keep yourself positive and this will help to position you for success.

I've got some tips to keep you going when the going gets tough. And it will at times. We none of us get something for nothing and if you are serious about stepping into the ranks of Internet entrepreneurship, then you're going to have to work hard. So let's start by getting to work on the way you feel. You need to feel good and stay feeling good no matter what.

Sleep – This one's a no-brainer. We all need a certain amount of sleep and if you aren't getting enough, how are you going to cope and if you can't cope, guess what? You won't cope, then you'll feel hopeless and your business will suffer. Before you know it, it'll drag you down.  It's a downward spiral so don't get into that one.

Exercise – Vital for so many reasons. It energises us and provides us with a natural high. It also keeps us fit, helping us to stay healthy. Start your day with whatever exercise you like to do. I go for a long brisk walk with my border collie on the Canal Banks near my home in Devon, England early each morning (you can take a look here if you like). This really wakes me up and makes me feel good.

Food & Drink – Make sure you eat good nutritional food to keep you alert and full of energy. Drink lots of water (or drinks with water) to keep you hydrated. I find that if I get hungry or thirsty, I start feeling weak and shaky and this not only affects my mood but my productivity too.

Are You Grateful? – Do you wake up each day and feel grateful?  Are you grateful for your life? Your family (if you have one), friends, or others that play a supportive role?  Your health, their health, your happiness, their happiness, your home, having a roof over your head, where you live in the world?  Do you live outside a war zone? Do you have clean air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, warmth and a comfortable bed?

Internet Entrepreneur

A Positive Attitude Is Powerful

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p with a list of 100 things you might be grateful for? Recall these on a daily basis and you will find that as each day goes by (that's the power of tapping into your subconscious) you will find more things to be grateful for and once you can develop deep feelings of gratitude, you'll realise how lucky  you are and this will help to keep you happier and more positive and motivated.

Help Others – Do you help other people? Would you say you were an unselfish person? Go on be honest with yourself.  If you do help other people, you'll know how good it feels to help someone less fortunate. Let's face it, we can all find others less fortunate than ourselves no matter what our circumstances are.  There's something very fulfilling from helping someone else.  Try it if you don't believe me. You'll be glad you did and it might just spur you on to making it a regular thing.  One thing is for sure, it'll help to keep you happier and more positive and motivated.

A favourite saying from a former colleague of mine (and I try and live by this)……….”Do Something For Somebody Today But Do It In The Knowledge There Is No Way They Can Ever Repay You”……John Jackson.

Voluntary Work – Do you help out in a local organisation in some way? Maybe you help in your community.  Do you train a team, help in a charity shop or just help an elderly person? It's good to do something that you expect nothing in return for.  Maybe you think you are too busy to do any of this but it's always the busiest people that can find the time to help someone out when needed. You'll find that if you do find time to volunteer for something or fetch some shopping for an elderly neighbour, you'll feel happier and more positive and motivated as a result. Again, try it if you don't believe me. You'd be amazed at how good you feel when you know you've just made someone's day.

Vital For Internet entrepreneurship – Visualise Your Goals Daily

Daily Visualisation Of Your Goals  – Spend time each day visualising your goals.  Know exactly what you want to achieve in the short and long term and keep them fresh in your thoughts. Say them out aloud and picture them in your mind. This is a great way to harness the power of your subconscious especially if you tell it what you are working towards. You'll be surprised at the information that will pop into your head to help you solve a problem or find ways to run your business as you journey towards Internet entrepreneurship.

I was lucky in finding a company called  PRO U around 18 months ago. You can take a look at my own journey towards Internet entrepreneurship here if you like. They're the number one online business mentorship company for individuals aspiring to become online entrepreneurs. Jay Kubassek, the Founder (meet him here) and the other top earning leaders of the company are teaching and mentoring me in everything I need to know about Internet marketing, business systems and mindset skills needed to be successful including how to be positive and motivated.

Want To See For Yourself?

Jay does FREE Live Webinars each week so why not click on the link here and register to take a closer look.


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