August 24th, 2011

5 Tips On How To Work From Home Whilst Combining Family Care Responsibilities

Today, I’m going to share with you my 5 tips on how to work from home whilst combining family care responsibilities. These days I’m a mum working from home but it wasn’t always like that for me.  I used to be one of the millions of people going off to the daily grind of a traditional job working for a boss, dependent on someone else for my monthly pay-check.

I have a family to look after including my husband, my daughter and my elderly invalid mother and between them, they all have complex needs, particularly my mum.  Then there’s our dog, he’s a Border Collie so needs his three mile run each day.

It was a juggling act fitting my family commitments around the demands of a full time job.  At times, I felt like I was a hamster on a treadwheel going faster and faster and the worst part was not being around when my family needed me most. If you’re juggling family responsibilities with a job, then you’ll know what this feels like.

Not being able to do a simple thing like take my daughter to school was a hard pill to swallow. But now that I’m a mum working from home, I have my quality of life back and we all benefit. I can be around when I’m needed and it makes a huge difference.

Since I found the best new online business I’m running from home, if my daughter needs collecting from school, I don’t have those panicky feelings of how I’m going to get the time off work, I can decide for myself.

Whether you work in a traditional job or you work at home, you’re going to have all sorts of challenges to face, so I’ve put together a few tips that should help you keep on top of things.

Prioritise:  Learn to prioritise to make sure all the important things get done.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to make a list. Have lists for daily tasks, shopping, events etc. They really do make a difference and keep you on track. If you write a list, chances are you won’t wake up in the night in a panic.

Motivation:  This is something that only you can do and without it, you won’t get much done. Make sure you do whatever is necessary to put yourself into the right frame of mind. If you know what you want to achieve and you know how to achieve it then add in a reward when reaching certain goals and that should keep you motivated.

Sleep:  Make sure you get the right amount of sleep your body needs.  Avoid coffee or alcohol last thing if possible. Take a bath and find a good book.  With the right amount of sleep you are more productive and will cope better overall.

Exercise:  The best way to start your day is with some exercise. I recommend a brisk walk or jog for thirty minutes and get your heart rate going. You’ll be surprised at how much more productive your day will be.  The first ten days doing this will be hard but once you get into the habit, it will become easy and you’ll want to do it automatically.

Prepare:  Always plan in advance and prepare yourself for the day ahead. If you fail to do this, you’ll end up creating more work in the long run and you’ll be far less productive. Have you ever noticed that some days you seem to get nothing done? That’s usually due to lack of preparation.

I hope you found something helpful here and I invite you to comment below!  I shall look forward to seeing you on the next post.

Lindsey Rowe

July 16th, 2011

Heading off to the Master Marketing Event in Phoenix, Arizona – 21st and 22nd May 2011

I stopped off in New York to catch up with my family before flying out to Phoenix.



July 16th, 2011

Tips for Building an Online Business – from MME7

I went to the Master Marketing Event in Phoenix and met the top leaders of Carbon Copy Pro – here’s what they had to say!



July 10th, 2011

Why a Mum Working from Home like me attended CarbonCopyPRO’s Live Master Marketing Event

Why a Mum Working From Home Like Me Attended CarbonCopyPRO’s Live Master Marketing Event in Phoenix, Arizona on 21st & 22nd May 2011

These days, I’m a mum working from home since I joined CarbonCopyPRO, a world leader in online marketing education, entrepreneurialism and ready built business systems. With my background in sales and marketing, I appreciate the huge benefits of attending a ‘live’, event so when I found out PRO were holding their seventh Master Marketing Event on 21st and 22nd May 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona, I knew in an instant that I just had to make the journey from England and go.

I wasn’t quite sure how I’d do it but I knew it would be worth it even though it meant asking my partner Hugh if he would look after our family in my absence, taking on all my responsibilities on top of his normal workload, including looking after my invalid mum with all her complex needs.  Naturally, I’d wanted him to come but there was no possible chance of that happening. Instead, he stayed behind so I could go and make the most of every second and learn as much as possible to implement into my own Internet business.

Held in the stunning air-conditioned Arizona Grand Resort, amidst a backdrop of tropical plants and beautiful scenery in the 90 degree heat, I was privileged to join more than 600 motivated entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe. I knew we were in for a real eye-opener.


To read the full post, please click here


July 9th, 2011

Why It’s Great To Be My Own Boss


This is my latest video, shot on the Grand Western Canal near my home, as I enjoy being free to do as I please!

June 21st, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

I’m Lindsey Rowe, and I’m so glad you’re here. You see, last year, along with a hundred or so other colleagues, I was made redundant from a job I thought was secure. My job was demanding but I loved it. It was great fun, satisfying, challenging and hard work — and I’ve never been one to shy away from that! Although management had tried to prepare all staff with warnings of necessary cut backs due to governmental cuts and budgetary constraints, it still came as a shock. Nothing can ever prepare you for it. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before and it hit me like a bolt out of the blue. It’s hard not to take it personally but you do. I went through a range of emotions including bitterness, bewilderment, and anger. I asked myself repeatedly, Why Me?  Feeling de-valued was one of the hardest parts.

Even though it all seemed unjustified, I’ve tried to live my life believing that everything happens for a reason and that a new opportunity is always available if you are open to it. I could not have been more right! As it turns out, losing my job was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I discovered a wealth creation system that has allowed me to rediscover the joys of motherhood without compromising my desire to have a professional life. Now, I work for myself and have unlimited control over my future wealth. In this blog, I’ll talk more about what I’ve done to create success and what you can do to accomplish your goals. I’m redefining my life by taking control of my financial destiny, and I’m hoping you will join me on this adventure!

June 21st, 2011

Why I’m a Work from Home Mum Now – Don’t Ever Give up on Your Dreams

Do you spend time dreaming about your ideal lifestyle? Or have you given up on it? If you suddenly found you could afford the lifestyle of your dreams, what would it be? What would you do? Sounds simple but it’s not.  I’m a work from home mum now and there’s an important reason for that. I had a wake up call and made it happen.

Maybe you’ve been conditioned to think that you have to put up with your lot in life, particularly if you’re a low income household working for a boss in a traditional job.  You probably think there’s no point in dreaming so you don’t. And even if you had any lifestyle dreams and aspirations, they are so deeply buried, you couldn’t access them in your subconscious anyway.

Conditioning takes away your creative thinking in such a way that you become desensitised to your dreams and aspirations.

That was me a year ago.

After I was made redundant from my job last year, I was asked this very question.  I had to think of what my dream lifestyle would be like –  and I couldn’t come up with the answer and that shocked me.

I found it incredibly difficult and it took me weeks to work it out.   I’d get up early and go out with my dog each morning and try and piece it all together. My dreams were buried so deeply, that I could only retrieve them piece by piece.

That was a wake up call for me and was the result of what had happened to me by being conditioned to think that my lot in life was always working for someone else in a regular job along with the constraints associated with it.

Apart from coming up with the obvious, like nice country house, new car, great holidays and other tangibles, what I found most disturbing, and more importantly, was the realisation that for the many years I’d diligently gone off to work to earn money to help support my family, our quality family time had been heavily eroded and was gone forever.

I’d just accepted the fact that this was how life was and that you just had to deal with it. It had never occurred to me that life could be completely different with freedom.  I hadn’t thought that there could be choice for an ordinary person like me.

By freedom, I’m talking about the kind of freedom to be with my family when they need me. Put simply, to be able to take my daughter to school and collect her in the afternoon. To be able to stand in the playground and chat to other mums and dads. To be able to go into class and read with the children. To be able to take my daughter to the doctor or dentist when necessary without the worry of how I’d get the time off work.  What a luxury that would have been for me.  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Mornings in our household were usually a rush with arguments and stress and I’d have to drive like crazy, risking a speeding fine.  We’d all go off in our own directions and usually feeling fraught and upset. There was never any chance of taking my daughter to school first. I’d have loved that and always felt guilty and resentful that I couldn’t. It seemed like a violation of my rights as a parent and so unfair.

I think you get the picture now. There’s so much more that I haven’t been able to do with my family but all that’s changed since I set up my own Internet business from home. Now I work around my family priorities and it’s truly liberated me and we all benefit.

I’ve woken right up to the fact that my dreams are now my reality. I can take my daughter to school now and it’s a wonderful feeling. This is why I’m a work at home mum at last. I feel free for the first time in my life and I’m never going back.

June 20th, 2011

Mum Working from Home – Why I Decided to Start my Own Online Business

Have you been conditioned to think that in order to make a living to support your family, you need to have a regular job working for a boss? That this is your lot in life and to be reliant on someone else to provide your paycheck. Has it ever occurred to you that you could be the master of your own future? Wouldn’t you like to be a mum working from home and be your own boss?

You are probably so used to thinking that the traditional 9 – 5 job (or similar) is your only route. Additionally, it might never occur to you that thousands of people all over the world are starting to change the way they think and are looking for ways to support themselves.

This would sound scary to some, and it is. Few of us find change easy and for so many people this will never happen. Most will want to keep the status quo and stay with what they consider is the safe option. In the uncertain world in which we live, where economies fluctuate and falter and job losses and redundancies become the ever increasing norm, people are venturing into new territories, stretching their comfort zones and starting their own businesses, often from the convenience of their own home.

This is exactly what happened to me.

All my life I’d been a loyal employee, building a successful career, with the mindset that this is how life was.

Then out of the blue, I was made redundant and I had to figure out what to do next and that was scary.

In the beginning, I went though a range of emotions, to questioning why this had happened to me. It seemed so unfair, particularly as I’d always been told that I’d done a great job.

My position had been as a School’s Liaison and Marketing Officer for a Further Education college and I’d spent many hours doing presentations to students giving advice on career options, including the importance of transferable skills. How ironic, I never thought for one moment the advice I’d given them would apply to me.

I’d impressed upon the stu

dents that in order to maximise their career potential, they’d have to make sure they got a good education, and with it, plenty of transferrable skills. These skills would stand them in good stead when changing careers I’d told them, unlike many of our forebears who’d had just one job throughout their lifetime and that in the 21st century many were likely to have to change jobs and careers several times.

So now I was needing to take my own advice and make plans for the future.

I knew I’d never work for a boss again. Not under any circumstances. Working in a 9 – 5 situation had completely compromised my family life.  My job, for the most part, came first and my family second. I’d never been comfortable with that.

Not being able to take my daughter to school, attend school functions, even take her to the doctor or dentist. The kind of normal things most parents want and need to do but rarely can. This was me and I wasn’t going back to that way of life.

So this was a turning point in my life and I knew this was meant to be. I no longer felt like a victim and I made a conscious decision to be positive about the situation I’d had forced on me. This was a brilliant time to utilise my many life skills and put my efforts and energies into a business of my own.

My family was my number one priority and nothing was going to dampen my determination to find an alternative route. This was of huge comfort to me and gave me the strength to remain positive.

This was when I decided to turn to the Internet where I found the perfect solution.  A new chapter was about to start for me and I felt liberated. I was going to be a mum working from home, running my own business on the Internet.

So my advice to anyone in a similar situation is to take stock, be clear on what skills you have, what your priorities are, have a positive mindset and look for options that might not initially be the obvious choice.  Like me, you will get through this.


May 11th, 2011

All I can say is WOW…

Ok…this is one of the coolest “projects” I’ve ever seen…

It’s pretty obvious that the big-shot bankers on Wall Street have been getting richer and richer during this economic crisis, while your friends and family members haven’t.

Well if you’re interested in cracking open the “black-box investing strategies” of the rich, so you can see how they’re doing it, you’ve gotta check out this video Mike Dillard just posted…

See HOW Mike Dillard Predicted The Future!

Despite the fact that he’s not an investor, trader, or financial guru of any kind, he’s made a 280% return since 2008, while the rest of the world has lost 30-40% of their portfolio.


Get this… He found a “map” back in 2007 that’s allowed him to basically predict the future.

Like I said… VERY COOL

Check out this video he just posted and you’ll see how he’s doing it…

See HOW Mike Dillard Predicted The Future!

My best,
Lindsey Rowe